Drunken Confession

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I know absolutely nothing about Dejarik so please take what I wrote for those scenes not too seriously. I looked at the Wookiepedia page for all of five seconds then gave up. Hope you enjoy. (;

It was a quiet night on the Ajan-Kloss Resistence base. Most of the Resistence personel had gone home for the holidays. The only noise from the base came from two laughing men in the communal area who were trying (and failing) to play Dejarik.

"You really think your going to win Gingersnap?" Poe slurred, moving his Gungark to the side of the board, letting his Rancor take out one of Hux's pawns.

Hux smiled at him, movign his Rathtar out in the open, killing poe's Rancor. "All talk and yet you still lose. It seems that mouth really should be put to better use."

Poe stared back at Hux, feeling his face heat up in the process. Hux seemed to notice what he said quite quickly, caughing and sputtering appologies. 

"I didn't, I appologize. I'm not used to pure Yavin liquor. I was out of line..........It's your turn." Hux silently provided. Poe noticed the way he withdrew, not smiling like he was just a second ago. He just needed to bring the conversation back. Poe silently moved his own pieces, but once it was Hux's turn, he decided to go for it.

"So I was wondering if you'know, people like you celebrate Life Day?" Poe asked confidently, but started to frown when he noticed hux's unamused expression. "People like me?" Hux comented angerly, moving his Savrip out infront.

Ok so he hadn't thought that one through. He hadn't meant it that way technically. Poe looked up at Hux, trying to play inocent. He was more then hammerd for Maker's sake! Of course he's going to say things wrong.

"I just meant that.....Do you celebrate Life Day?" Poe asked, continuing to stare at Hux. He was quite amused when he saw all the different emotions cross his face. During the day he was hard to read, but when you finially got the man to relax, he was like an open book.

"It's not that some people didn't celebrate Life day, they did, but Empire day was the one most people celebrated. Giving gifts, parties-" Hux was inturupted by Poe killing his rathtar. He wished he could kiss that smile off of his pretty face. Slap! Slap that smile off of his pretty face.

"What was the best gift you were ever given?" Poe asked, very intruiged. Part of him really did care, but also part of him did not want to lose fifty credits over this game.

Hux looked at him suspiciously, moving his pawns around. "I never got.........Life Day was not important to me. Although Emprie day, all the cadets would get the day off. My father would always go to these stupid Imperial parties. Always came back the most drunk from those function, which is saying alot."

Poe was not expecting that. Granted, he figured Hux had a horrible upbringing to make him........ how he was, but this was the first time he had actually mentioned it.

"I got my mom's X-Wing right before she died. It's the one I still use. Although, after all the mod's I put on it, i'm sure she wouldn't reconize it." Poe stated as he tried to direct the conversation elsewhere. "And well, for all it's worth, happy first Life day. May all you wish for come true.......unless it's galatic domination then maybe not that." 

Poe smiled when Hux let out a loud, uncaring laugh. It was nice to see him like this. He had been more open with Poe as of late. Even while everyone was saying not to give him a chance, he knew this was something else. Not Starkiller no, just a simple man trying to run from his past.

Hux took his last shot, moving something on the Dejarik table and slamming down his glass. "And after all of that you still lost!" Poe then looked down to see all his pawns were dead, Hux's still standing. That bastard.

"I can't beleive you! I, I destracted you!" Poe exclaimed, sitting back in his chair, watching Hux smirk back at him.

"I'm a patient man. Your own destraction was your downfall. Now pay up Dameron." Hux comented standing up out of his seat. Poe sighed, moving to stand up with him. Their hight difference was almost noticable, but Poe was positioned right with Hux's mouth.

"Think of this as a Life Day gift Gingersnap. You'know, we could always play again or-" before Poe could finish, Hux's lips were conected with his.

It was amazing. A mix of honey and mint with something like fire. Poe was lost in it, wanting to make it last as long as possible. Poe felt Hux's hand come into his hair, pulling him close. He should of despised how good it made him feel, but he didn't have it in himself to care.

Poe only pulled back slightly to get some air. The terrified expression on Hux's face said it all. He though it was wrong of them to be like this too. Scared of wanting. Maybe they weren't so different then they were led to beleive.

"Hux-" But yet again before Poe could ruin anything, Hux's lips were on his in a second. They chased eachother in it, no one there to ruin the moment. Poe couldn't get enough. It was just as good as the first time, maybe better.

Hux then pulled away slightly, their noses still toughing. They were both breathing heavy, staring into eachother's eyes. "Call me Armitage." Hux wispered before pecking Poe on the lips and walking off in the direction of the dorms. Poe only stood there, staring in the direction Hux, no, Armitage had gone.

Best life Day ever.

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