"Who... are you?" asked The Lord. Unsure how to feel about the situation.

The figure takes a seat on one of the chairs and looks at him.

"You may call me Adeline. I am but a mere fortune teller." She replied to his question as she began messing with the cards in front of her. "Tell me Blumiere, do you know why you are here?"

"I- How did you..?" Blumiere was stunned at the fact that she knew his name, and that he couldn't even finish his sentence. This caused Adeline to chuckle a bit.

"I know many things... now have a seat if you please." She replied as her hands gestured to the seat in front of her. Blumiere debated doing so at first; after all, he still doesn't know much about the strange dimension he is residing in currently. How could he know if he could even trust this being? However, The Lord also didn't want to be rude; after all, he was the one who came into her tent; or rather, he felt drawn to it... maybe, just maybe, he felt like fate must've brought him here for a reason. At least that is what some parts of him think. Blumiere has decided to step forward closer to the chair and sits across from the fortune teller. He was curious about what her intentions were.

Adeleine begins shuffling the cards. Blumieres eyes watching intently at the deck. The fortune teller spreads the deck out in front of him.

"Pick three if you'll please?" she said.

Blumiere was hesitant as he looked the fortune teller in the eyes.

"Before I do, how do I know you're not doing this for the money? That this is nothing more than a scheme?" Despite his curiosity, he didn't want to get played, especially in a world he isn't too familiar with.

Silence filled the room for a moment before it was broken by Adeleine's amusing chuckles.

"Oh, if I wanted your money, I would've charged you the moment you walked through the tent. I have no interest in such things, I assure you."

Her voice sounded genuine enough for The Lord to believe her.

"I apologize... I didn't know." He sighed, feeling a little bad for even questioning this stranger he had only met. She however, only gave him a small nod letting him know she acknowledged him. After that, Blumiere focused back onto the cards, picking the three he was drawn to the most. The Fortune Teller puts the other cards to the side.

She flips the first card...

"The Tower." Adeleine announced, "You've experienced many hardships that have led you to this point in your life, and even now you will face more challenges ahead of you that you will have to face."

Blumiere stayed quiet, she was right. A few months ago he was so full of grief that he planned an elaborate plan to destroy all worlds into nothingness. He lost his beloved Timpani, and now he is working on trying to move on, which has been challenging for him, but he's not alone this time around.

She flips over the second card.

"The Empress." she spoke.

"The Empress? What does that mean?" he asked.

"The Empress has many interpretations, but in this case it's telling me that you'll fall in love again in the distant future." Adeleine replied.

The comment confused Blumiere; it even baffled him.

"Well, I'm not sure of how much I believe that..." remarked The Lord.

"In time you'll understand. These cards don't predict what is now, but rather... what is to come, and i'll admit even sometimes they can be wrong. However, I do ask you to keep an open mind." she said.

Blumiere nodded respectfully. So finally Adeleine flipped over the final card.

"Six of Cups..." There was a slight pause before she continued. "Someone from your life prior is going to make their return... perhaps someone you thought died when you last saw them."

The Lord felt his heart race a bit, a lot of thoughts running through his mind. Who could possibly return after all of this time? It couldn't be his father; he made sure of that... So many thoughts and questions until he realized...

Is it possible Dimentio could return? Blumiere remembered he came into his life once before, but the first time that happened he turned him down until he realized he needed the devious jester for his plans to work. The last thing he remembers is Dimentio using what little power he had left to make his "escape".

Blumiere shook his head trying to snap out of it. "There is no way that is possible, he's gone." he thought to himself as he got up from the chair he was sitting in.

"Ah, I see, I appreciate the reading, Madame, but I must be going." he announced as he made his way over to the tent opening.

"Just remember to keep an open mind and consider the possibilities. I can see your doubt as of now, but don't let it cloud your judgment.." Adeleine called out to him.

He paused for a moment, turning to look at her one last time.

"I suppose I can try... but you have a good evening now." He murmured as he walked out of the tent.

Although he wanted to at least give the woman the benefit of the doubt, he himself couldn't help but question everything. Blumiere didn't think it was possible for him to fall in love again, at least not now, or even the thought of someone like that Jester could return into his life... but The Fortune Teller did know he was facing a lot right now to, so it leaving him filled with so many conflicting thoughts and emotions.

He sighs quietly to himself as he walks the same path he came from. He wasn't sure what time it was other than the moon was still up in the sky, and the already empty streets felt even emptier than when he arrived at the tent. Placing his hands behind his back, he tries not to think about what he just experienced. After all, it's not worth stressing over possible hypotheticals. At least that is what he felt.

So instead, The Lord decides to enjoy the rest of his evening until the morning sun begins to rise for the next day to start. He wanted to enjoy the night some more before he eventually returned to the room he was staying in. He looks up at the night sky, with a slight smile on his face. Wondering what other oddities this dimension has to offer and what other strange people he will encounter on his journey...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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