Chapter 7

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A/N: Apologies for the wait! This chapter was supposed to be out last week however I was having some computer issues. I hope you enjoy!

"You're still holding it wrong." Peter once again adjusted your grip on the dagger. "Better. Now practice swinging that. Not too hard or you could dislocate your shoulder but not too soft." "What does that even look like?" You asked, giving a small swing. "That was too soft. Tighten your grip a bit more and use more muscle." You tried again. "Better. Now do that 50 more times."


You groaned as you listened to the boys play. It was dinner time on your fourth day of training and it felt like nothing had improved. Peter was still scolding you about your arm movements and grip on the dagger. The only confirmation you had that you were doing anything was the burn in your arm muscles.

"You look half dead." Blue Jay said, sitting next to you. "I feel half dead." "Don't worry Y/N! You'll get there eventually! Even if it does take a while!" Owl said, with a giggle. Those words didn't help you feel better but you thanked him anyway. "I'm gonna go find Peter." You decided, standing up. "I'll go with you." Crow followed you away from the stream where the others were playing.

As the two of you walked, relishing in the gentle breeze it seemed like nothing could go wrong. But the second you felt eyes on you from behind your hand went to your dagger. Crow seemed to sense the same thing, hands finding your shirt for reassurance. Something was watching you from the forest.

The second you turned, dagger drawn, everything was silent. Until a twig cracked, and then another, as whoever it was walked closer. The minute they were in view you froze, eyes darting over the figure and face, noting the small pistol and large sword on his hips. The pirate had found you once again.

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