"If you are so sure about finding the lake impossible then why do you not go there?!" he frowned.

"Excuse me?"

"Why do you not cure your damaged face and your paralysis, the lake of Gods can cure anything illness, paralysis is the smallest of things that the lake can cure, why do you not go there to cure yourself?" he looked away.

"I will not answer that question."

"Because you do not believe it exists! I am not going to give myself false hope, I will leave and enjoy the few days I have on this earth so I can die in peace."

"You will not die. We will find it, you be cured!"

"Coming from someone who is this paralyzed and refuses to find the said lake!"

"Watch your mouth!"

"Oh please," she snorted and moved away from his side, "I think you love being humiliated so much! Look at how no one values you! Values us! Is this what you want forever?"

"What do you expect I do? Take the throne?"

"Do not say that! I never said so... But you can at least act like a prince. We are royalty and we he to pass the servant gate. They don't respect you, they don't see us!"

"It is the will of the Gods," she tilted her head.

"The Gods? Aaron the Gods didn't ask you to take your brother's bullshit and bullying."

"But they made me paralyzed, they made sure a young boy's face was destroyed. My family hates me because of the accident, I never got to leave like a normal child because of it. I never got to play with toys, with sticks, I never went fishing with my father, didn't do anything. I was cast away like an unwanted child! Do you know how painful it is, and now my wife will die, isn't that bad luck, am not bad luck!" he filed his tears furiously away.

Irisa looked down, panting, "I am... Sorry, you feel this way... I wish that things were different. I didn't want to get married to you... If I had just told you what had happened maybe we wouldn't be in this position."

"Do not say that, we are going to find a cure, and when we do I will make things right." she nodded and wiped hers away.

"You could just make things right nos... We don't know if we are going to find the lake, Aaron, if we don't then what shall we do?" she asked searching his eyes for answers.

"I will forever live in regret."

"Then let's do everything. Let's enjoy the time moment, let fish, let go to the carnival and let me teach you how to shoot an arrow. That way your memories of me will not be vague. I will die in peace." Aaron looked down in despair. This wasn't what he wanted. It was sad the way she talked but he couldn't blame her if only he could tell her the truth.

"What do you want to do first?" he forced a smile, which Irisa returned.

"I have always had a list of what I wanted to do before I died but my role as princess and duty to my people wouldn't allow me."

"What do you want to do?" he asked and watched her smile get brighter.

* * * *
"I don't think this will work m'lady," Irisa rolled her eyes. "Don't say that, he is not totally paralyzed, he can still move his waist a little. If I guide him, then we could ride the horse."

"Nancy is right princess, this might be a bad idea."

Irisa looked up toward him, "but you told me you would do everything I say! Since I am a dying woman, will you be a half-wit and not fulfil my dying wish?" she raised.

"I will," he sighed. He couldn't believe he would allow her to trick him into riding a horse knowing how dangerous it is.

"Yeyyyyy!!!" she clapped and took Raymond's hand who was panting, he was the one who help Aaron climb the horse.

"Don't do that," Aaron said unimpressed, she held Raymond's hand and climbed up to the horse, groaning. Aaron glanced behind him worriedly. Was she going to do this?

"You are going to take it slow and steady," Raymond instructed her, patient. She rolled her eyes looking down, "do you think I don't know how to ride a horse?"

"I am trying to help you, your grace, the prince is paralyzed remember? If anything happens, the empress will have my head." Aaron scoffed, "the empress doesn't care if I live or die,"

"But I do," Irisa cut him, "we are going to take it slow so that although we can enjoy the ride, I do not want to harm you." he nodded, and Irisa pulled the leadline and moved forward.

"Woah!" Aaron exclaimed, she grinned as the horse slowly paced around the clear field not running too fast. "It is nice isn't!" he laughed at heartily as the horse neighed raising two of his feet up.

"M'lady!" Nancy yelled hurriedly, "we are fine! we are fine!" Irisa yells back and started their journey around the field. The guard that followed them frowned worriedly and glanced at Raymond who had the same expression.

"I think that enough fun for today, Your grace." Rat.ond finally said after few minutes. They were supposed to be continue their journey to Bayal soon. They had taken a quick break and Irisa had suggested a quick horse ride around the fields.

"I think it nervous Irisa," Aaron said softly, and Irisa slowly maneuvered the horse towards them. She waited and helped the guards as they pulled Aaron down unto his wheel chair. She jumped down and Nancy met her by the horse, giving her a stern glare, "what now Nancy? I am trying to have fun as it is my last days on earth."

"Do not profess that M'lady, you cannot just say those words and believe that you will truly die! We are going to find a cure to this."

"Nancy, you above others should know not give fals hope. I am dying, going to Bayal to find the lake of the Gods is a waste of time."

"Have hope m'lady!"

"It is not about hope Nancy! Look around! The last time anyone ever saw the lake was about twenty years ago, what makes us special! What makes me special why would it appear for me?" Nancy looked down tears falling from her eyes.

"I am nor sad Nancy, you shouldn't do! I live in the moment and enjoy the last of my days doing what I love. I cannot hope a miracle, we have to be logical here, death doesn't have to be a bad thing," Nancy busted into sad tears. "Don't do this now Nancy, we can't change my fats, if it the will of the gods, then it will happen. None of us can change it." Nancy shook her head violently.

"No! No!" Irisa sighed and moved toward the carriage leaving her to accept what she just said, no matter what nothing was going to change. At least die happily.

She entered the carriage and sighed sitting next to Aaron who watched intently, "are you okay? I mean the wound? Isn't it painful?"

"Don't worry, I am fine. The pain isn't that bad."

"But you are feeling pain!"

"Yeah, but I am fine! When we will reach?" she sniffed and lay weakly on him. "I just need a little, when are we going to leave Grovetown?"

"Not long, we are to reach Omoral in a few hours, we are going to enter as merchants and then start searching for the lake of the Gods soon after." she nodded closing her eyes, "I will... I will just take a little nap..." he nodded, "be my guest."

* * * *

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