After eating, I realise what Namjoon said, and I squeak out, "Four days?! I missed our birthday?!" Yoongi chuckles and nods. I am left alone with the movies and such they had gotten for me as they are all kicked out now that I'm awake.
I am discharged a week later once they are happy with my recovery and physiotherapy. During that week of being in the hospital, when I get a rare moment alone, a doctor visits me. She is really nice and gentle.
She lets me know, "The other doctors didn't want to say anything in front of BTS, so I have been sent. You're eight weeks pregnant, Yunmi. I'm a maternity doctor. What is your relationship to the baby's father?"
I blink a few times and whisper, "The dad would be Jin. I have literally been with no one else. I want to keep it, but don't tell anyone yet, in case that changes."

Kookie, Jimin, and Hwasa will take me home when I'm discharged. When I get there, Red Velvet (minus Seulgi) are waiting outside. They all look relieved to see I'm ok. They can't apologise enough and are in tears, but I quiet them with hugs.
Once inside, I put the kettle on, and I make a pot of tea for everyone. Kookie suggests doing a V Live after seeing the outpour of concern from people everywhere. I agree, and we set it up in the living room.
We get all the drinks and food ready while I talk everyone through what I will discuss on the VLive. Red Velvet is so nervous, which is completely unfair to them. I remember the days of being bullied, and they break down as they explain the harassment and hate they are now receiving.

I title it 'Home now' and I wait until there is a healthy number of viewers. I scroll through the comments while sipping tea, and I start, "Hi, Blooms. I'm going to start by addressing the hate comments. I am friends with the remaining Red Velvet members. Seulgi's actions are her own and do not reflect on the group as a whole so stop hating them. The rest of the members are beautiful souls who I absolutely adore, so don't hate my friends for something their colleague has done."

I glance back and squeeze Yeri's knee. I continue, "They tried to discourage her behaviour, but Seulgi is a sasaeng, and there is nothing anyone else can do to change her attitude if she isn't willing to change. I was the target of assault, but the real victims were Jin, who was manipulated because we don't expect other idols to be sasaengs, and the other members of Red Velvet because due to Seulgi's actions, their reputation also got ruined. Don't hate the victims, please. That is saddening to me."

I take a deep breath and divulge, "In regards to what happened and my condition. I was really shot in PD-nim's office last week, but it honestly wasn't intentional. I prevented Seulgi from aiming the gun at Jin because her behaviour became psychotic as she decided if she couldn't have Jin, then no one could. I relaxed her hand, so she dropped the gun, and as it hit the ground, it fired off. I'm ok. I had surgery where they repaired my lung, gave me a transfusion for the blood loss, and replaced my shoulder blade. I will be home with assistance."

I try to lighten the mood, "I can't do things like painting, but I can dictate stories to be written later. I have 43 songs I have already made that I can release, and I can discuss collaborations with artists, prepare lyrics, and do other things while I undergo physiotherapy. I am grateful for all the love and support I'm receiving, and I hope you are all taking care of yourselves and treating each other with respect and care."
The doorbell goes as I read comments and then realise some are Happy Birthday messages. I ask, "Whose birthday is it?"

Irene opens the door, and the remaining BTS members walk in carrying a cake, and everyone starts singing to me. I choke up and chuckle, "In all the chaos, I'd completely forgotten it had been our birthday!"
I cry gratefully, "Thanks, guys. I forgot it was my birthday. I even sang happy birthday to Yoongi when I woke up from the coma!" I chuckle as we blow out the candles.
I pull the gift for Yoongi from under the coffee table, and I hand his gift to him. He hands me a bag, and we open our gifts, then laugh hysterically that we have gotten each other the exact same locket and put pictures of our parents in them. Tae puts mine on me.
Joon comments, "It's eerie how you 2 think the same."

Stay - BTS Jin FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat