Magic butterflies

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Upon seeing us, the telmarin soldiers started to shout, loading up their crossbows and running as fast as they could while doing so. I cursed under my breath, looking back at my friends to see them already running. I didn't hesitate to flee either, and the first arrows started flying. 

I made sure to stay behind my friends, protecting them to the best of my abilities. Trufflehunter in particular seemed to be falling behind, his legs not made for speed. I quickly took his bag and the Horn from his shoulders and pushed him on all four, allowing him to go faster. He was now almost to Caspian, who was in front. 

We kept on running, miraculously dodging all the arrows coming at us. I turned around to run backward and reached for my belt. There sat a little pouch full of flasks, which all contained Lycoperdon pyriforme boosted with Cassava and Sorghum infusion(1). I took a handful of them and carefully opened them, collecting the little balls in my palm.

Then, without any type of warning, I started firing. The little projectiles landed either in the Telmarines' faces, making them fall flat on their faces, or on the ground, forcing our followers to contour the little green clouds.

Once I was all out, I turned back around, smiling at myself, but my satisfaction didn't last long.

A sharp pain exploded somewhere in my back, almost making me fall, but I was stronger than that. The Horn was with me, there was no way that I would fall behind. That singular object was worth more than my life. 

So, with sweat on my forehead and my back arched, I kept running, eventually catching up with the rest of the group. Suddenly, a scream was heard from behind, then another joined in, followed by yet another. I turned around, confused, and another arrow planted itself on my left horn.

That was it.

Forgetting about my confusion, my pain, and my self-promises, I shoved the Horn and Trufflehunter's bag into Ninabriks arms and took off toward the man who fired. 

I unsheathed my blades while I ran, and the moment I was at a respectable distance, I jumped on the right onto a tree, avoiding another arrow he had aimed at me, and pushed harshly on my leg, flying above him. My head upside down, I reached up and sliced his throat in a clean, fast motion. He started falling right as my hooves touched the ground, and I watched him.

"Please... God" He prayed, reaching up to his throat to try and stop the bleeding.

I clicked my tongue and crouched down, lifting his head by the hair to put his ear beside my mouth "Why pray for your fake god if I'm the one deciding your fate?" I whispered with my best impression of a honey voice. 

He started sobbing, or something that looked like it, considering he kept choking on his blood. I shook my head in fake compassion, lowering his head back on the bed of fern.

"I really hope Aslan takes pity on your dirty soul." I smiled, and kicked him in the head, sending him unconscious. 

Looking around, I saw that all other telmarine soldiers were left dead, except one that was running for his life. Voices caught my attention.

"I said I wouldn't fight you, I didn't say I'd let you live!" The voice was high but clear, clearly not human.

I turned around as Trufflehunter interjected, "Reepicheep, stay your blade!"

There sat an enormous mouse, clearly a Narnian. He seemed to be on top of a man, one I could only assume was Caspian, seeing as Trufflehunter had stopped him from killing him. 

Remembering my own bloody blade, I started cleaning it with a tissue that I always kept for this use, still listening to the conversation.

"Trufflehunter?" Reepicheep seemed bothered "I trust you have a good reason for this untimely interruption!"

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