Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Morgana sighs as the phone ring at half past 9, "Good evening, Danann residence."

Scotts says, "Is Morgana there? I have a Madam Bones to speak to her... she says you may know her as Amelia from bowling."

Morgana closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose, "I'm Morgana, put her on."

"Morgana, it's Amelia."

"What can I do for you?"

"I've just seen the news, do you know anything about it?"


"Because the magic detectors across the country went down."

Morgana sighs, "Do you have my business card?"

"I do, that's how we called you."

"One moment then." Morgana closes her eyes and searches for the faint signature of her magic holding the card together. Once she finds it, she opens a gate to the room with a slight grunt of effort. She's obviously spent more than she should tonight if a gate to London took effort. Hanging up the phone she looks through the gate expectantly.

"Well, are you coming or not?"

The three people react remarkably quickly, with one of them diving for cover while the other two spin around. The man with a peg-leg bringing his wand to bear as he does so. A spell of some description spitting from the end of his wand, only to be caught on the sword that she manifests in her hand.

"That was a rude thing to do to someone who is inviting you into their home."

Amelia barks, "Moody stow it or go back to HQ."

"Bones, I can't see her."

"I don't care, stow it or go."

Reluctantly, Moody puts his wand away as they all step through the gate. Once through, he keeps his good eye on Morgana for the entire time they're there.

"Welcome to my home strangers."

Amelia nods, "Thank you for inviting us. I'm sorry I do not know your customs."

"I'm sure your niece will be able to teach you once she approaches Harry about learning Celtic magic. I will be very disappointed if she doesn't after I gave her permission. There's an interesting fact that many people don't know. A lot of old cultures didn't have separate words for Stranger and Enemy. Anyway, you wished to speak to me?"

Moody growls, "Were you threatening us lass?"

Morgana turns to stare at Moody, "I am strong enough that I no longer need to make threats. Can you say the same?"

Amelia turns to Moody, "Moody, ballpen now, you've got desk duty for a week."

Grumbling, Moody turns on the spot and falls over as he fails to apparate, Morgana shakes her head and opens the front door, "Roman based magical travel won't work in this house. The edge of my protections are 200 yards down the road, now leave."

Cautiously, Moody stumps out of the door and down the road, his head on a swivel as his magical eye is unable to see anything.

"Now that's out the way, what can I do for the two of you?"

Scotts blurts, "My mother loves your books, if I brought you one, would you be able to sign it for her?"

Morgana laughs even as Amelia shouts, "Scotts!"

"Danu I needed that. I'm sorry Scotts, but I only do signings at my classes and displays. I have a website that can be found on Gopher through most libraries, or you can call the Scottish tourism board. I got the local computer science class to set it up while exploring the new html protocol. The website is written on the bottom of my card."

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