Chapter 4

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Apo arrived at home and see his house already dark.... Apo go straight to bathroom and take a warm shower.. 5 minutes later.. Apo sit on his bed...try hard to forget everything that just happened but not working.. Apo decide to go to sleep since he feels exhausted.... While Apo is sleeping... Apo feels somone is watching him sleep... Apo open his eyes and see Bible is standing there and watching him sleep... Apo feel shock and turn on the lamp beside him and see no one is there.... Damn... Say Apo while massage his head... Why should i dream about Sir Bible... This is 1st time i dream about him...Say Apo to himself and decide to go to sleep...

Next morning...

Apo wake up early in the morning and go to shower... Barcode already go to school while his uncle left early because of tight schedule... 10 minutes later.. Apo arrive at school and go straight to the class... Build notice Apo then reply.. Po... Mr Bible is not here... I think he went for a vacation with his siblings.. Finally.. We are free! Apo hit Build head.. And reply.. Godness... Stop it.. Suddenly Mr Bible come into the class...Students start to yell excitedly while Build sigh... Gosh.... Im just about to have a fun.. But this annoying professor come again.. Bible who already listen to Build words.. Then reply... If you aren't interested.. Then please.. Feel free to leave... Students stay silent and start to focus on the subject... Bible turn to Apo and stare at him again and again... Apo didn't dare to look at Bible straight in his eyes and decide to avoid him... While Bible say in his heart... Finally.. Ive found you.. My love.....

1 hour later..
  After the class had finished... Bible call out his students to
come infront... Bible then start to talk... Tomorrow.. We will go for a trip while learning.. Please give me a permission slip today before you go home.. Thank you.. Class dismissed.. Apo see Bible already leave the class room... After everyone already leave... Apo sitting alone in the class and day dream.. Apo suddenly see Bible stand in front of him and stare at him.. Apo who is about to leave.. got push down by Bible ...Apo starts to trembling again and ask... What is it sir.... Bible then reply... No need to avoid me Mr Nattawin... No matter how far you go... You won't be able to run away from me... Remember that.. Say Bible then leave Apo alone in the class room... Apo decide to wait at the car park... Apo also not sure he is waiting for who.. While Apo sink deeply in his thoughts.. Suddenly theres a van comes faster towards Apo.. Apo who feels shock about to avoid then suddenly Bible hold Apo by his waist and push the van with his bare hands... Apo gasp and look at Bible with shock... Bible look at Apo again.. With his golden brown eyes.. Then jump to the other side and leave.. Suddenly a lot of students come towards and ask Apo either he is OK or not... Then the man (Zee) reply with apology... Please forgive me Apo.. Im panic.. Im truly sorry na... Build hurriedly go to Apo and check on Apo... A few minutes later... Dr Thong come into the ward and go towards Apo with warm smile on his face while saying.. Ive heard.. Theres a son of a chief got admitted here... Apo Nattawin.. Am i right? Ask Dr Thong while start to check on Apo... Ok.. Look here.. Say Dr Thong while moving the small torch infront of Apo eyes... Suddenly Michael burst into the ward and hug Apo slowly.. Godness.. How are you doing Apo... Michael look at Zee and reply... I will suspended your liscene.... Thong reply.. Well... Based from the examination... Apo is fine... Nothing is serious.. Don't worry... I want to say thank you to Sir Bible.. Michael then reply.. Bible Sumettikul? Your younger brother? Apo then continue... He was too fast... Seriously.. He is really fast... Thong just smile after hearing those words then say... Just consider yourself are lucky... Thong smile and leave.. A few minutes later... Apo and Michael leave the ward and Apo notice.. Thong.. Bible are also Ta.. Were talking... Bible suddenly noticed Apo.. About to leave then got stop by Apo himself... Apo then reply... Please.. Can i talk to you for a minute.. P Thong nod and take Ta with him... Bible walk towards Apo with annoying face and ask with serious tone.. What is it.. Ask Bible... Apo then stare at Bible.. Sir...mind to tell me.. How to you stop the van... I saw it.... You were across the road... Bible then laugh mockingly at Apo then say... Are you day dreaming or what.. I was right next to you Apo... Apo then starts to argue back... No.. Please.. I promise i won't tell anyone.. Please tell me.. How you stop the van... Bible then say... No need.. Consider we never know each other.... Say Bible then leave Apo alone..

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