Turtle Neck R🔞

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Turtle neck



"Phiii i wanted to wear the black tee". Gulf whined wearing the grey turtle neck. 

Mew laughed wearing his own maroon turtle neck sweater. With jeans.

They had such hectic schedule for the past week. With Mew's new project and Gulf's date night at cruise that Mew missed. But he made sure to send a team from his studio to take care of his YaiNong. 

Finally they got some time to sneak out. 

Previous Night


Gulf had spent the previous night at Mew's condo. Actually Mew's team picked him at his workplace. Since Gulf was kind of sad. The second day at cruise was not smooth as day one. It started heavy rain fall and they had to shift inside the lower deck. 

Even the fans were chanting for Gulf to go inside because he was drenched in the rain in no time. But he completed the songs as a thank you to the fans who were effected by rain. 

Once he reached inside, he was asked to get changed but he made sure each and every fan had safely came inside the deck and they were provided with heaters and towels to dry themself. 

Once everyone was settled only then he went to the room reserved for him to change. 

Mew was watching it all on the TV live broadcast. Everyone was praising Gulf for being professional and caring smiling and cheering his fans, but only Mew could see the tears in his eyes. 

He had instructed Tee Mild, the MC for tonight to take care of him. But guess he wasnt enough. Mew was watching Gulf slightly looking for corners to wipe the tears, trying to show his best smile. 

He called Khun Mae, if Gulf could stay the night. And she permitted him. She never said Mew needed any permission, but she would always feel so respected when Mew would ask for her consent first. She trusted him that no one can take care of Gulf more than Mew. 

She was watching her son disturbed and upset and she was sure if it was Mew, he would have handled him. So she allowed Mew's team to take Gulf to their shared condo once its over. 

Gulf had not even eaten his dinner. As soon as the last fan shipped off the cruise he was lead to a private car from Mew and he couldnt wait to see his boyfriend. He needed him. Although it wasnt his fault. Still he felt guilty of the sufferings fans had to go through.

The elevator dinged to the floor and the next moment he was pulled in familiar pair of arms. Mew didnt even let him take a step. He picked him up and took inside. 

"Ssssshhhh Gulf. Its okay. It wasnt your fault". He was consoling a crying Gulf sitting on the couch. He pulled Gulf in his lap, texting Khun Mae that Gulf had reached safely and he will take care of him.

"The fans drenched in rain Phi. I couldnt get the show Phi". He was wailing and Mew was rubbing his back to soothe him. 

"Gulf. It wasnt your fault. Who expected such heavy rainfall. You gave your best Gulf and we all are proud of you. Even the fans are. No one is disappointed of you. You did an excellent job baby. Calm down". He was kissing his temple waiting for him to calm down.

"You are lying Phi". 

"Am not baby. You know i dont". 

"Was it really good"? This time Gulf looked at him under his wet lashes. 

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