Chapter 10: Prom

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** I'm going to be including song suggestions in the notes at certain parts of this chapter to give it more of a vibe.**

"So... Have you thought about telling Aimy?" Carbon asked while kicking his feet while sitting on the bed. Grim scratched his head. "If I think about it, I start panicking." Carbon nodded his head. "I've known her for a long time, but I couldn't tell you how she would react." Carbon nudged Grim's arm. They looked over at him. "You can do whatever you want, but I think you should tell her before she leaves for college." Grim became anxious. "W-why?" he asked. Carbon let out a sigh and laid on his back on the bed. "I don't know. I guess so if she didn't wanna date you anymore, she could find someone else." Grim started to panic. He gripped the side of the bed while staring at his shoes. "Someone else." He said to himself.

Grim started to breathe heavily. Carbon noticed Grim panicking. "Hey man, I'm sorry if I freaked you out--" Grim sprung up and readjusted his shirt. "Actually, I'm gonna leave. Thanks." Grim quickly walked out the door, while Carbon stumbled after him. "Grim, wait!" Grim slammed the door shut, and left the house. Carbon took a deep breath and rubbed his face. "What's his issue now?" Carbon's mom asked. He shook his head and went back inside his room.

Soon, it was the next day at school. Grim was picking the dirt out of his nails with his pencil, waiting for his friends to get to school. "I bet Aimy hates me," he thought to himself. He kept watching the door waiting for Aimy to walk in. "Hey E.T.," Carbon said as he smacked Grim's back extremely hard. He quickly turned around to face him. "That fuckin hurts dude." "Hey, you!" Grim turned back around and looked up to see Aimy. She held his face with her hands and kissed him on the lips.

Grim's eyes lit up with excitement. "Hi! I mean, hey." Aimy sat down next to Grim. "You know what this weekend is?" Grim had no idea what she was talking about. "What's this weekend?" He asked her while biting his lip rings. Aimy rolled her eyes, and hit his shoulder. "IT'S PROM!" She yelled. Grim's jaw dropped. Carbon and Rika laughed. "Looks like somebody forgot again" Carbon said while laughing. Grim quickly turned around and hit Carbon in the arm. "I'm sorry, I forgot about it. I've had a lot on my mind lately" He said nervously. "What's going on?" Aimy asked while caressing his arm with her finger. "It's nothing." Grim looked over at Carbon, and Carbon looked away scratching his head.

The bell rang for passing period, and the group of them grabbed their belongings and went to their classes. Grim walked with Aimy since they had class together. They walked together in silence. Grim admired her. They both waited outside their class in line with others, waiting for their teacher to arrive and open the door.

Grim leaned against the wall, and Aimy was looking at her phone. He looked down at her left hand, dangling to her side. He lightly touched her hand with his finger like he usually does. No response. "Maybe she didn't feel it," he thought to himself. He did it again. No response. She moved her hand away.

Grim started to panic, and clenched his fist

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Grim started to panic, and clenched his fist. "I just don't feel like holding hands, Grim." Aimy said while still looking at her phone. "But..." He hesitated. "You always want to hold hands." "Well, I don't right now," She said in an irritated tone. Grim sighed and got out of line to leave right when the teacher started letting people in. "One more absence, and you can kiss prom goodbye, Grim" the teacher mumbled. Grim looked at the teacher, and then Aimy. Aimy looked at Grim with a worried look. Grim furrowed his brows, and turned around and left.

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