Chapter 34: I'm not a Hero...Now I'm a Damn Fugitive!

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Y/N was panting as he made his way to the hideout. Upon entering, he unceremoniously fell flat on the floor. Reighland went over to him and healed him of any internal and external injuries he may have suffered.

"Come on, Y/ must be tired..." She kneeled down and placed his head on her lap while stroking his hair.

"I'm sorry this couldn't have gone better Reighland..." Y/N apologized.

"It's alright..."

"Fool was you know what he told me when you all left?"

"What did he say?"

"He said something about how Magician wanted to make the world perfect; a utopia where everyone got along, and all that jazz...I thought it was stupid at first, but after today, I think he's right..."

"Y/N...we can't let Magician exterminate the world just because of a narrow-minded few."

"Reighland, there were more than a few narrow-minded individuals. Unless you meant a few armies worth."

"I don't blame them for being paranoid or afraid, nor am I surprised that they would go as far as to kill us..."

"It's total spend years working with everyone, trying to help them achieve their goals, earning their trust, and having the best track record, but if you slip up once, you're on everyone's shit-list first thing; it's like those years of service meant nothing..."

"I can't blame them though...Magician's ruthlessness made everyone afraid of him and anything like him..." A tear from Reighland fell on Y/N's head, "Still, I at least hoped that they would be willing to change their views..."

"People are stupid, Reighland. Asking someone to change their cemented viewpoint is like asking architects and builders to rotate a castle to face a different direction. It's difficult and it's doable, but people aren't going to do it. Why? Because they think it's stupid to do so."

"I just wish we didn't leave Miriam and the others behind...I've left too many important people in my life already...first, my daughter, Monica, and now my sister, Judith..."

"You had a daughter?" Y/N asked in surprise.

"She was...taken in by me. I treated her like she was my own until I abandoned her for my own selfish goal..."

Y/N sat up, "What about the girls at the Light Temple? Do you view them as your daughters too?"

Reighland looked up, "They're all like children to me, Y/N...I care about them so very a twisted sense, I've started to see you less as a hero in need of my advice, and more like a son...Maybe it's because I grew up without a family, I always wanted somewhere to belong..."

Y/N nodded his head. Then he and Reighland turned their heads upon hearing a noise outside their hiding place...

Opening Theme:

Reighland and Y/N were still clinging to each other after Justice's death with Reighland still getting over her sadness. When they separated, Y/N looked at her.

"You alright?" Y/N asked.

Reighland wiped the tears from her face, "I'm...fine, Y/N..."

Everyone else was not fine, unfortunately...Rathe was debating what the next course of action was with the other generals; letting slip that Y/N also was possessed by an Arcana member. Paranoia set in rather quickly as they discussed either capturing or killing the two.

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