I knocked on the door before twisting the knob to enter. He was casually sitting on his chair with his brows creased (as always), eyes focused on the paper, and his hands signing some documents. "Father? May I know why you called me?" He looked up before signing me to sit on the couch.

I did and waited for him to answer, he didn't though. But he left his table and joined me on the couch later. "Kyra, daughter." I gulped at his words. He's serious, too serious. "Do you really want to befriend— no, is there someone you want to invite on your birthday celebration?" He asked as he avoided my eyes.

I lowered my head, letting my hair fall to cover my smiling face. "I do have someone in mind, father. But..." I trailed off, remembering that he doesn't want me around some... someone like Jay. "Is it that Jeongsong?" I lifted my head to nod, but still avoiding his eyes.

He sighed deeply. And another one. And another sigh. He did it for about six times before meeting my eyes. "Just for your birthday." He replied and looked sideways. I-is this for real?! OH MY GOD! I WANT TO HAVE A BIRTHDAY EVERYDAY! EVEN IF I HAD TO AGE TWICE!! I WOULD— "What concept do you want for this celebration of yours?" He asked, cutting my thoughts off, shifting the topic, and still avoiding my gazes.

"I... can pick?"

"Yes. Now do hurry up so I can arrange it early. I still have a lot of paperworks to do." He urged so I shyly put my hands above my knees. "Y-you can continue, dad. I'll just write a list." I smiled brightly at him while he lightly, lightly smiled before standing up.

Did he just...

He nodded and went back to his work. I extended my arms to reach the pen and paper on the table when nanny entered the office. "Done talking?" We asked in unison to which we laughed off. "Nanny, can you help me?" I asked her and without any questions asked, she joined me and suggested some ideas for my celebration.

I came up with a formal celebration. Girl or guy must wear suits (button down dresses). Boys will go with black or any dark colors while girls will go with red. The ambiance would be like an art exhibit where walls were decorated with paintings and colorful aesthetics.

Buffet is a must since I knew that my dad will invite a lot of people. He said that after finalizing things with the Parks, they might announce our engagement on my birthday. But I guess that would take long. Highly doubt if they'd make it on time.

For this one, balloons aren't necessary. I had the lightings as lanterned lights so balloons would just mess up the party.

About the invitation card, I let mom handle it. She's good at those stuffs.


I wanted it to be decorated with flowers. I picked the flowers with my mom since we're good at those— can't forget about their meanings.

"Hi Kyra! My parents and I received the invitation. Thank you! We will come." A senior greeted me suddenly so I just bowed politely and smiled. "Thank you." I replied and continued walking to my classroom.

"Ky-ky my cupcake! It's almost your birthday!" Vera exclaimed as soon as she approached me, and started blabbering about how it would look good and such things.

"Your party should be nice! Lecturers are invited are they? Wait am I? If not, it's fine. I can study all day long! Oh! About the math project that I had to do with Jaemin, can you help me with it? That jerk just won't help. He even bragged about his money to me! I mean, dude! Your money is nothing compared to my brain! He feels like he's the richest bitch here! Duhh! Also, about my work, the salary sucks and—" her topic keeps on changing every second but I didn't mind too much. I just laughed at her ranting state and shoved the invitation on her face jokingly.

That Day, That Guy (제이) JAY EN-Where stories live. Discover now