Chapter 2: Deception

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Kakashi did not like his chances of escape at his current situation. He was familiar with the police and how they operated, or rather how they operated in his world, he already figured he was entirely somewhere else. That was no mistake. Perhaps he was in the future? He didn't know, but that wasn't what was on his mind.

He stared blankly until another set of cautious, careful eyes. But he could see an undertone of softness. Why was he looking like that?

The man cleared his throat and Kakashi realized they both had been just staring at one another. "My name is  Detective Tsukauchi of the Police Force. And yours?" He asked expectingly.

Kakashi stared blankly back. "Kakashi Hatake." He said slowly.

"Okay, Hatake-San." Kakashi didn't expect to hear his last name. He hadn't heard it sense his father. "You can just call me Detective if you'd like."

At his nod, the detective continued.

"There were reports of you fighting a man. You bursted from an alleyway with a blade, nearly piercing him. Is that correct?" He leaned forward on the table, eye intently searching him.

Kakashi briefly considered his answer. "Yes." He said simply. He figured that they already knew but how much was still up to question.

"And do you realize that using your quirk against anyone is a crime?"

Again, that word popped up out of someone's mouth. A quirk was usually something that was out of the ordinary that was special to a person. Like a verbal tic that Kushina had. But the way they were using it was not in that same context. He knew that.

He only raised his brows, but the small movement was caught by Tsukauchi and he furrowed his own. "What's wrong?"

"I don't understand." Kakashi blurted before he could think. He cursed inwardly and said more carefully, "I know the definition of the word quirk, but the way you're using it isn't in the same context."

The Detective looked even more confused by the frown on his face. "Do you not know what quirks are?" He asked slowly.

"Not in the way you're using it." What was with this anyway.


Tsukauchi stared in silent astonishment. His quirk told him that every word spoken was true. How could this kid have a quirk and not know what the context behind the word is? That shouldn't be possible. Everyone knew what quirks were. But his quirk sensed no deception.

He chose his next words carefully. "You have electricity powers, right?"

The boy seemed to go completely blank before nodding. He deduced that he was carefully thinking about what he was going to say before he said it. Him blurting out his answer and immediately reining his voice in gave him clear examples to draw from.

"You used that power against a pro hero. Do you know what that is?"

"Not in the context in which you're using it."

A truth once more. A troubling one. Severe head trauma maybe? Ryukyu had said that he showed severe signs of trauma. The way he flinched at erratic movements and loud noises as well and physical contact as well as the fact that unlike other kids he had no wonder or innocents in his black orbs. They were always blank, desolate full on nothingness. Like a black hole waiting in space for anything unlucky enough to get too close.

"With your powers," he said so the boy would get it. "You attacked a man who brings criminals to justice. That's a crime."

Finally, the boy seemed to understand, but his next question stumped him. "What's the punishment?"

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