Chapter Thirty-Four

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You woke up the next morning in Porco's arms. The morning light seeping in through the window nearly casted a halo around Porco's head. Memories of yesterday flooded your mind. Porco loved you back. He loved you back and he said it first.

"You done staring at me yet?" Porco teased, eyes slowly opening.

"Nope and I never will be," You responded.

"Look who's the cheesy one now."

You rolled your eyes and moved to get out of bed but Porco pulled you closer to him.

"We have to get up. We have to talk about yesterday," You reminded him.

"We have all day," Porco murmured.

"I think the sooner we talk the better."

Porco released you from his grasp and sat up, "You're right. Where do you want to start?"

You pursed your lips, "Let's start with your break-up with Pieck."

"You want to talk about my ex?" Porco asked, confused and surprised.

"Yeah. What did you tell her? Because I saw her earlier that same day and I told her that she was the only one for you."

Porco's eyes widened, "Why did you say that?"

"I thought it was the truth at the time!"

Porco shook his head, "Well she didn't believe it because she told me she saw it coming."

You groaned and hit him with a pillow, "I feel terrible. She really likes you."

"Actually she wasn't heartbroken at all. She took it really well. She said she gave me a chance because we seemed to have a lot in common and because Zeke had suggested it awhile back. She liked me enough to keep dating but knew we were not making it past graduation."

"She's too kind for her own good."

Porco shrugged, "At least she came out of this unscathed. Now that that's over, let's lay back down and not get up again until noon."

"Not so fast. I have more to discuss with you, like when did you start liking me and then when did you realize you were in love with me?"

Porco chuckled and his cheeks flushed, "I realized I liked you as more than a friend during our date on our first month anniversary but I didn't think you would ever see me as more than a friend especially since you were helping me win another girl's heart and then that night at the pool when you admitted you had a crush on me back in sophomore year I was so happy. It gave me hope that maybe if I kept up with the lessons, kept showing you that I could be good enough for you that you could fall for me again. But then I made a mess of things when I got jealous over you and Eren."

"I did it on purpose. I flirted with Eren on purpose knowing it would get you upset. I'm sorry. I just wanted you to get jealous over me the way I got jealous over Pieck whenever you spoke about her. It was so stupid of me. I'm so sorry."

Porco laced your fingers together and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, "It's okay now. We've both done stupid things. Really stupid things. I dated a girl while I was in love with you because I thought you wouldn't love me back and when I thought I had made peace with only being your friend you went and ended our friendship."

"We could have avoided this whole thing if we had just been honest with each other."

Porco nodded in agreement, "Now tell me when you realized you liked me."

You sighed, "Remember that time I went bowling and you didn't text me all day because you were with Pieck but somehow managed to mention me sixteen times in a conversation?"

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