Chapter Twelve

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The next morning went smoothly. You awoke to the sound of Marcel and Colt making breakfast while Evelyn supervised. Porco came up behind you and laid his head on top of  yours complaining that he was still tired. You laughed and asked him to help you set the table. The five of you enjoyed breakfast together before Marcel and Colt left to get ready for their shift at the diner, Porco leaving with them. After getting your uniform on and making sure Evelyn was ready to go, the two of you stepped outside and were met with Porco standing next to his car in your driveway.

"Thought I could give you two a ride," Porco smirked.

You and Evelyn exchanged a look. She shrugged her shoulders and got into the backseat of Porco's car. You decided not to question it and thanked Porco once you were inside his car.

When you entered the diner, you walked Evelyn to her usual booth and Porco sat down across from her.

"You're not going home?" You questioned him.

"Nope. I thought I could hang out with Evelyn until your shift was over."

"You're going to wait basically all day?"

"All day. Then I'll take you two home so you can change into some regular clothes and I'll take you two out like I said I would."

You turned to Evelyn for help but she had a smile on her face, clearly enjoying whatever was currently going on.

You sighed, "I'll bring you two something to drink."

You walked into the kitchen where you were greeted by Marcel and Colt.

"Y/n!" They both shouted.

"This is your last day! We're going to miss you!" Marcel exclaimed.

"I'm quitting my job, not dying," You teased.

"I know but it's still sad," Colt joined in, "It won't be the same around here without you."

"Awe guys, I'll come bother you two during your shifts all the time," You tried to comfort them.

"You promise?" They both asked.

"Promise," You grinned as you hugged them both.

You were the first to let go, "I have to go clock in for work and take some drinks to Evelyn and Porco."

"Porco's always around nowadays," Colt commented.

"Right?!" Marcel agreed.

You rolled your eyes and went to get the drinks. You took the drinks to your sister and Porco. The rest of day went by fairly quickly and before you knew it, your shift was over. Porco went to say bye to Marcel while you and Evelyn made your way to the car. As you were exiting the diner you bumped into Eren.

"Hey Y/n," Eren said.

"Hey Eren. Evelyn this Eren," You introduced the two to each other, "Eren this is my sister Evelyn."

"It's nice to meet you Evelyn," Eren reached out his hand.

Evelyn shook his hand and told him, "It's nice to meet you too."

"So did you just finish your shift?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just finished like five minutes ago," You responded.

"Cool. Well, I'm meeting some friends for dinner here so I was wondering if you and Evelyn would like to join us?"

"That sounds great but I already have plans with someone else."


"Me," Porco's voice came from behind you.

Eren's eyes widened in realization, "Oh," realization of what? You weren't sure.

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