Chapter Twenty-Nine

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You, Colt, and Ymir stood outside the Galliard residence waiting for someone to open the front door. The sun had already set but it was still early in the night. Marcel had asked if you could over and help set up for his and Porco's birthday party. He asked for you to arrive two hours before the other guests would arrive, giving you plenty of time after school to get ready before going over to his place to help. Ymir kicked the door, her arms busy holding beer and a few other bottles of liquor. You were holding bags of snacks in your arms and Colt held even more alcohol in his arms. Colt used his elbow to ring the doorbell again while Ymir gave the door another kick.

Finally after what felt like hours, Marcel swung opened the door and grabbed the drinks from Ymir's hands. With his head he directed her to where Historia was moving vases and other fragile objects out of the living room and to a safer location. You and Colt followed Marcel to his kitchen. You set out the snacks on the counter and Colt helped Marcel put the beer into the ice chests.

"Is this going to be enough food and drink for everyone?" Colt asked, reaching for a can of beer.

Marcel slapped his hand away, "Should be, plus Reiner and Bertholdt are bringing a keg, Zeke's bringing pizza and there'll be a cake."

Colt rubbed the spot that Marcel had hit and mumbled, "Sounds good."

Marcel asked for help moving the furniture around as Porco came downstairs. He greeted you with a kiss to your forehead and a broad smile. Ymir made fake gagging noise before Historia scolded her with no real anger. Marcel rolled his eyes and called to Porco to come help him set up the monitor speakers, turntables, and mixer so they'd be ready by the time Connie arrived. A knock at the door pulled your attention away from Porco.

You answered it and Reiner and Bertholdt greeted you with a cheerful, "Y/n!"

You grinned in return and guided them to where they could place the keg. Connie was next to arrive followed by Zeke and Annie who had to take multiple trips to Zeke's car to retrieve all the pizzas they had brought. Connie set up his laptop and began to play music from a playlist he curated himself with all the songs he considered to be the biggest hits from every great decade.

Slowly but surely more and more people from school began showing up to the house. The party was open invite so even people who were less than acquaintances to the Galliard brothers had shown up to the party. In no time at all, the house was filled to the brim with people, loud music, and alcohol. People were in the backyard, in the pool, anywhere that could fit them in. You were standing in the kitchen looking out into the sea of people dancing. You had lost your friends a while ago and Porco soon after Pieck arrived. You were about to leave the kitchen when a voice behind you called your name. You turned around and were faced with none other than Eren. He smiled at you and you could only give him a half-smile in return.

He offered you a beer and you would have turned him down if you had not caught a glimpse of Pieck leaning in close to Porco to whisper something in his ear. The way her hand touched and squeezed his arm made you seethed. The way you didn't know whether the flush of his cheeks was caused by his drinking or by her flirting threatened to unleash an anger you didn't know you had. You took the can of beer from Eren's hand and drank half of it in one gulp. Eren smirked at you but his expression changed once his glance followed yours.

"Wow you're an open book," Eren commented slightly amused by the situation.

"What are you talking about?" You asked without bothering to turn and look at him.

"There's no hiding the jealousy that written on your face."

"I'm not jealous."

"Uh-huh and Colt isn't drunk off his ass right now."

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