Chapter Twenty-One

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The next morning you woke up and sent Porco a text message that you could in fact meet up today. He responded that he'd pick you up around one in the afternoon and take you out for ice cream. After last night's inevitable realization, you initially wanted to tell him you were busy and wouldn't be able to see him because the last thing you wanted to do was hear Porco gush about Pieck for who knows how long. But you knew he'd only continue to text you and check up on you all day until you finally told him you had some free time. You sat down on the couch after eating some cereal. Evelyn, Gabi and Zofia greeted you with smiles.

"What's on the agenda today girls?" You asked.

"We're going roller-skating with Udo and Falco and then we're all getting smoothies," Evelyn answered as she tied her shoes.

"That sounds fun."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to get some ice cream with Porco in a few hours."

You hear a chorus of excited giggles from the girls.

"Another date?" Gabi fidgeted in her seat as she waited for your answer.

"I'm not sure. We hung out all the time before we started dating so I don't know what counts as date and what doesn't," You answered honestly.

Gabi stopped moving in her seat seeming to accept the answer. Zofia eyed you curiously but didn't say anything.

You helped the girls pack some snacks in their backpacks along with their skates and waved to them as they ran down the street to meet up with Falco and Udo.

You got dressed for the day and finished the reading you had to do for class. Your dad had left shortly after the girls did to run a few errands. You watered the plants near the front door as you waited for Porco who would be arriving any minute now.

As soon as you put the watering can down, you heard a knock at the door. You took your time getting to and opening the door. The second you caught Porco's eyes, his expression turned from indifference to joy.

"Y/n!" He cheered and grabbed your hand, gently pulling you to his car before you could greet him back.

When you got in the car you said, "You're awfully cheery today."

"Can't a guy be happy to see his girlfriend?" Porco shot back.

"I guess so but I know better. You're happy because something happened with Pieck yesterday."

"I mean things did go well with her but I am happy to see you too."

You forced yourself to give Porco a half-smile, "I'll take your word for it."

Porco frowned so you quickly added, "You've never given me a reason not to."

He visibly brighten and the rest of the ride was spent in a comfortable silence.

Upon entering the ice cream parlor, you immediately headed to the counter to greet Bertholdt.

"Hi Bert," You gave him a small wave.

"Y/n! It's good to see you," He grinned, "Were your ears burning yesterday or what?"

Your puzzled expression must've given you away because he followed up with, "Porco wouldn't stop talking about you yesterday."

"Oh really?" You said, suddenly very amused.

Bertholdt nodded, "Every little thing we saw or talked about reminded him of you."

You encouraged Bertholdt to go on as Porco joined you at the counter.

Doing his best impression of Porco, Bertholdt said, "Oh Y/n would have love this. I don't think we should do that, Y/n wouldn't approve. That's Y/n's favorite too! If Y/n was here she would have made me laugh."

Making Mr. Right || Porco Galliard x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang