Chapter Eighteen

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"She's coming in December?" Porco asked, surprised written clearly on his face.

You were locking your front door with a basket of homemade muffins in hand when you turned and saw Porco standing there, seemingly waiting for you. You shook your head at him when he explained he wanted to walk you to his house since you were his guest. He shrugged his shoulders and muttered a "it's whatever" after you pointed his flawed logic of walking from his house to your house and then back to his house just for the sake of walking with you. He reached for the basket you were holding with his left hand and held your hand with his right.

"Yup. December 28th to be exact," The news had been bothering you since last night and Porco could immediately tell something was wrong so you opted to tell him what Evelyn told you.

"What exactly does she want?"

"In a literal sense, to get dinner with Evelyn and I at that restaurant called Sina. Her intentions? They remain a mystery."

"Are you going to go?"

"I don't know yet. Evelyn said we should go to at least get a free meal out of it."

Porco laughed, "She might be on to something."

"I'm starting to think so too."

"But do you want to go?"

"Maybe. I still have to think about it."

"I could go with you. Like I'll get a table near you and I'll be there for moral support. And if need be, you give me a signal and I'll call you with a fake emergency to get you and Evelyn out of there."

"That's a really nice offer. I might have to take you up on that."

Porco smiled as the two of you reached his front door and let go of each other's hands.

"Hey you never told me what's in the basket?" He asked trying to lift the cloth that covered the muffins.

"Oh, just your mother's, father's and brother's favorite muffins, blueberry," You grinned.

Porco's face soured, "I hate blueberries."

"I know," You said nonchalantly, "That's why I made you strawberry muffins."

"How did you know I like strawberry muffins?"

"You told me."

Porco shooked his head, "When?"

You sighed, "It was back in the second grade. Colt and I were over at your house when your mom came home with muffins but she didn't realize they had messed up her order and only gave her one strawberry muffin instead of two. So you gave me the only strawberry muffin because you knew I also wanted it and after I finished the muffin and asked you why didn't eat one you told me it's because you hate blueberries and love strawberries."

"You remember that?"

"Of course."

Before the conversation could go on any further, the front door suddenly opened revealing a smiling Marcel.

"Hey Marcel," You greeted.

"Hello Y/n. Come in come in," Marcel responded.

"These are for your parents, you and Porco," You gestured to the basket Porco was still holding.

"Thank you Y/n," Marcel said as he took the basket from Porco's hand.

Marcel motioned for you two to follow him. The three made your way into the dining room where Porco's and Marcel's mother was setting the table. She noticed the three of you in the entry way and a big smile graced her lips.

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