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A sharp pain echoing in the back of her head is the first thing Bonnie feels when she comes too.

A grunt of pain escapes her lips as she goes to put her hand on her head, an autumatic response, only to find she can't. That's when she feels the sharp brush of ropes against her wrists and ankles, keeping her from moving them. A bang comes from her right, making Bonnie do her best to force her blurry eyes to focus enough to see what was happening.

After a few moments, she manages. Hayley is tied up next to her, only her feet were left untied. Big mistake apperantly, as the she wolf had almost kicked the truck they were in wide open. The car jolts to a stop, making Bonnie slide backwards. Within moments the trunk is opened, letting in blinding sunlight.

By the time Bonnie's eyes adjust and she can see again, she almost wishes she had never gotten her vision back in the first place. Because the person holding open the trunk was not only someone she knew, but someone she trusted.

" Seriously? " Tyler's face is twisted as he speaks, showing his annoyence as he grabs a pair of zip ties and binds Hayley's ankles.

" Tyler? " Bonnie's voice breaks as she speaks, the sight of the boy she grew up with almost too much for her. . .

" Ahh Let me go, you backstabbing half-breed piece of shi- " Hayley's head snaps to the side as Tyler slaps her, cutting off her words.

" Shut up. " His face is cold when he pulls the two of them out of the trunk, carreying one girl over each shoulder as he walks into the bayou.

Bonnie doesn't even get the chance to look around before her head is spinning, vampire speed making her sick. A rough surface greets her legs when Tyler throws her down, her vision still blurry. By the time it clears and she is able to see the crumbling deck she sits on, Hayley is already speaking.

" What is this place? "

" The armpit of Louisiana. " Tyler responds as he pulls out a pocket knife, flipping it open.

" What are you gonna do with that? "

Bonnie's eyes widen a bit, even as she lets Hayley do the talking. Still in shock that the boy she grew up with is the one who has taken her now. Sure, Tyler could be a dick sometimes, and he wasn't always the best with his words, but this? This was somehting Bonnie never thought him cabable of. . .

" Depends on you two. " Tyler leans in, ignoring their flinches in order to cut the binds around their ankles.

" Hey, you attacked us, remember? You ambushed us, in our own backyard. " Hayley is looking at Bonnie as she speaks, starting to get worried about the girls lack of response.

" It's not your backyard, it's Klaus'. " Tyler scrowls as he glares at the two of them. " You're shacked up in that mansion with that psycho. A long way from the girl I've met in the Appalachians, helping other werewolves. "

" Tyler, I'm sorry, but a lot has happened since the last time I saw you. " Hayley shoots another worried look at Bonnie.

" You mean that Bonnie's pregnant? " Almost on instinct Bonnie's hand travels to her stomach, making Hayley nearly sob in relife that the girl is responding in at least some way. " A hybrid baby, yeah, I know all about it. I've been roaming around the Bayou, asking questions. Let me tell you what I learned! " Hayley flinches when Tyler leans in again, only for him to pull up her sleeve, revealing her crescent shaped birthmark. " This crescent birthmark means you come from a big-shot family. Some kind of royalty for the werewolves of this region. And right here, " Tyler gestures dramatically around him. " this is all that's left of them. "

Bonnie in the OriginalsWhere stories live. Discover now