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A/N I am skipping ep Sinners and Saints because there is nothing I want to change in it and I don't see a place for Bonnie to really come in since they don't know exactly where Davina is yet.

Bonnie smiled when Elijah showed up the next day on their doorstep.

Apparently Davina had a chat with him and made a deal. As long as the young witch could see for herself that Bonnie was safe and sound once a week, Davina would do everything in her power to stay where she was in case Bonnie needed her.

And in her attic was exacly where the two girls sat now. One leaning over a charcoal pad, dark smudgeson her nose from where she had went to scratch it. The other smiling softly at her as she tried not to move to much. As she tried to be a good model for the young girl before her.

When next Davina glanced up at Bonnie, the girl was wrinkling her nose as she fought the urge to itch it. Laughing, Davina put the scetch pad aside with a smile. " Why don't we take a break? I don't have to finish it today. "

Bonnie heaved out a sigh of relive, her hand immediatly reaching up to scratch her nose. As soon as she was done, Bonnie flooped out onto the floor dramtically groaning out. " Finally! " Hiding her smile at Davin's ringing laughter, Bonnie scooted over a little. " Well what are you waiting for? " Bonnie patted the floor as an invitation. " Come join me! "

Davina hesitated for a moment, unsure of herself. But when Bonnie patted the floor again, she laid down. Biting her lip as she stared at the attic ceiling, Davina's voice betrayed her confusion as she spoke. " Is there a reason we're on the floor? "

Bonnie grinned as she tilted her head to look at Davina. " Nope! It's just more comfortable for my back right niow. "

Davina giggled at that. " Well, it is kinda cozy. "

A sigh escaped Bonnie's lips just before she began to speak. " Vina, can I tell you a story? " Taking the hum she got as a yes, Bonnie began to speak once more. " There was once a girl who knew nothing of magic, vampires, or wolves. She thought that such things only existed on the tv screen. Or at least she did until she was sixteen. That's when her grams began to tell her the truth about their family. Unfortunately for the young girl, her grams was often drunk, so she didn't belive her when she spoke of such things. The truth was bound to come out however, as magic as powerful as the young witches could not stay hidden forever. "

Bonnie took a deep breath as she risked a look at Davina's face. The brunette had an understanding look on her face. " This witch was you, wasn't it? "

Bonnie smiled sadly before contuning. " The sad truth is that when magic like the kind the girl had starts to surface, many wish to take advantage of it. Even those she would call friends. . . " A tear slipped down Bonnie's face as she thought of Elena and how much her friend had changed. " So the girl had to learn quickly to take advantage of them right back. "

Davina tilted her head, an inquistive look on her face. " How? "

A small smile graced Bonnie's face. " When the vampires who had come into the witches life asked for a spell, the girl always had a price in mind. It helped her greatly when the orignals came to town. She caught their attention when she was the only one willing to go for peace, when she was the only one willing to bargain with them. But with the orignals came their own drama. " Bonnie placed a hand on her stomach. " I had a moment of weakness when someone I cared about died, and with that came this little one. " Bonnie's face softened as she thought about her child. " As for how I ended up here, well I asked this really, really, old man where was the place he had loved to live the most, " A teasing tilt had entered her voice. " And Klaus told me it was New Orleans. "

Bonnie in the OriginalsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz