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Niklaus Michaelson's face was the picture of shock

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Niklaus Michaelson's face was the picture of shock. With tears in his eyes and parted lips, he looked as if the world had just been set before him. But Bonnie could see the moment he remembered. Remembered that this was supposed to be impossible.

His face shut down. His mouth set into a firm line. He would have looked the perfect image of a stern father - ironically - had it not been for the tears still swimming in his eyes. He had so clearly wanted this, but he believed in it even less then he believed in fairies.

" No, it's impossible. Vampires cannot procreate, " He paused to smirk at Bonnie. " Although you'll recall we do love to try. "

Sophie rolled her eyes at him. " But werewolves can. Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf. You're the Original Hybrid, the first of your kind. And this pregnancy? It's one of nature's loopholes. "

Klaus's face softened for just a moment, before hardening with anger. " You've been with someone else. Admit it! "

 " Darling if I had been with someone else, I certainly wouldn't have admitted to sleeping with you. After all, you do recall that everyone in my life hates you right?  " She snapped at him as Elijah held him back

Hayley decided she did not enjoy the accusation either. She tapped the witch's hand, who had been holding her. He let her step forward. " Hey! We've been held captive in a freaking cemetery cause they think that's she's carrying some magical miracle baby. Don't ya think she would've fessed up if it wasn't yours? "

Sophie apparently was tired of the arguing as well, as she spoke up next. " My sister gave her life to perform the spell she needed to confirm this pregnancy. "

Bonnies eyes widened as her lips parted in shock. " So, I didn't have to go through all those weird tests? Why didn't you just show me the results of the spell to convince me! "

Sophie ignored Bonnies words. " And " She began pointedly. " Because of Jane-Anne's sacrifice, the lives of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us. If you don't help us, so help me, Bonnie won't live to see her first maternity dress. "

Bonnie raised her eyebrows in challenge. Did this bitch know who the fuck she was? She was the one who saved people. She was the one always there for her friends. She was not some damn damsel in distress! 

Klaus seemed to be thinking along the same lines as her, because he burst out laughing again. " You think you can kill Bonnie Bennet? "

For a moment there was a genuine smile on his face. But then Sophie spoke again, with a smirk on her face. " Considering my sister linked her life to mine, yes I do. "

Quickly his face went from one of laughter to one of absolute rage. " How dare you? How dare you command me? Threaten me! With what you wrongfully perceive to be my weaknesses? I won't hear anymore lies! "

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