New Orleans

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 A month. Silas had taken Bonnie under for an entire month. When she got out, she found out Jermey was still dead. That it was all for nothing. She failed again. Another person she cared about was gone. 

Of course, a week later she got a call from Klaus. Apparently, he needed help and as the only one in mystic falls that didn't currently want to kill him, she was his first choice. Well, that and the fact that her help was easily bought. 

When she arrived at the mansion it was to a sight, she didn't think she'd ever see. Klaus was collapsed on a chair, face scrunched up as he grunted in agony. Hints of a tattoo were peaking over his shirtless shoulder. Rippling Muscles clenched as something caused him pain. 

Bonnie took a moment to admire the view before speaking " What happened to you? "

" I need more time, STOP HOUNDING ME." Klaus practically screeched at her. 

Bonnie snorted and smirked. " I was under the impression you wanted me here, but if that changed in the last thirty minutes, I'll leave. "

" Bonnie, is it really you? " His voice was barley loud enough to reach her ears, yet even she could hear the disbelief in his tone. 

Starting to feel uncomfortable with how strange Klaus was acting Bonnie rose an eyebrow as she spoke. " You have five seconds to tell me why I'm here before I leave. "

Klaus weakly scrambled out of his seat, grabbing for her wrist. " Wait please, Silas, he stabbed me with the white oak stake. Ther's still a piece stuck inside of me. "

Bonnie shrugged, gesturing him to go sit back on the seat. " We'll talk prices after, you don't have a clear enough mind right now. "

Inspecting his back again her eyebrows raise again, even with a bit of magic she can't feel anything inside it. . . 

Yet taking a look at his face it's clear he still feels like he's dying. Her lips tilted into a frown as she thought. Silas, the reason she couldn't remember the las month of her life. Silas, the towns latest problem. Silas, the master of Illusion. 

But even if it was an illusion, how on earth was she meant to keep his head off his pain long enough to get it to break? 

Sighing she took a step back, eyeing his distressed state. And maybe it was because he was shirtless. Maybe it was the jeans resting sinfully low on his hips. Or maybe she was just going with the first thing that popped into her head.

Because Bonnie did something most who knew her would never expect. She grabbed his face as he watched her inspect his condition with eyes half lidded from pain and pulled him to her before he had a chance to react. 

Pressing her lips to his Bonnie kissed him, hard. After all, she highly doubted the Hybrid did gentle, even for this. He froze, staying stock still for a full minute, before relaxing into it. Smirking Bonnie bit his lip, almost letting out a laugh as the all-powerful Hybrid's hands suddenly found their way to her hips. 

When she finally pulled back a few moments later, they were both panting. Face flushed Bonnie bit back a smug grin as she asked him, " Feeling better Wolfy? "

Klaus let out a huff of laughter before looking at her once again. His pupils her blown wide with lust; half lidded for a whole new reason. " Much, now let's take this upstairs. "

Bonnie in the OriginalsWhere stories live. Discover now