Chapter 20

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The siblings knew the Red Light District better than anyone. You didn't know that there would be a place in the pleasure district that sells street foods. If not for the women in lavish pieces of clothes clinging to men, the place would have been mistaken for a night market.

"Get whatever you want," you said to the two as they stared at you for a moment as if your words were hard to comprehend. "Go on, I'll pay."

You took out a pouch full of gold coins which Douma gave you before you left, he said it was part of the reward for being a good doll. After a few seconds the siblings' expressions lit up and they quickly headed to the first food stall.

One after the other they filled their stomachs to their hearts' content. You found yourself being dragged along as the little girl, Ume, took your hand and pulled you to yet another food stall. While her brother, whom you still don't know the name of, trailed close behind. He had been quiet throughout the night, but he seemed to have been enjoying the food just as much as his little sister.

Just as you let yourself get dragged around, the night had also dragged on until you remembered what Douma told you.

Come back before sunrise. You stopped for a moment and looked up. The moon that was high above the night sky earlier had now shifted, dawn will arrive soon, you thought to yourself.

"Miss Y/n?" Ume asked, looking at you as you glanced down at her.

"I'm afraid I have to cut this short," you said. "I have to go back, and I believe you and your brother should too."

You looked at her expression, her smile slowly faded and she looked sad. You averted your eyes to the pouch of coins, it wasn't as heavy as earlier but it hadn't gone that light. The street foods were cheap, cheaper than the accessories Douma had bought for you.

"Here," you said, handing the pouch to the little girl. "Spend it with your brother."

The girl looked at the pouch sitting on her palms before she looked up, yet her expression was oddly still the same crestfallen.

"Will we see you again?" she asked, a tone of hope in her voice.


You didn't give a direct answer, not a yes or no. It was simply just a maybe, for now.

You glanced at the boy beside her, he wasn't looking at you, he had his eyes elsewhere. But his keen sense had told him you were looking at him so he turned his head to you.

"What is your name?"

He didn't answer for a few seconds. Was a name something you have to think about, you thought to yourself. Or has he not trusted you enough to tell you his name?

"Onii-chan," Ume said in a mutter, urging her brother to answer your question.

To which he did, albeit in a grumble. "Gyutaro."

"That's your name? Gyutaro?"

"That's what people call me," he said, averting his gaze.

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