𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

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Shoto was a fine looking man. I mean, as fine as fine can get. He had these adorable purple eyes that almost begged to be gazed at, a lovely facial complex that let the world know how handsome he was, and the smile worth more than diamonds and rubies itself. He was stunning, and he knew it. He flaunted it with his outfits, always hugging his waist just right or fell on his arms perfectly. Even in college he was known to have a perfect fashion sense that complimented his looks just right.

That's how he ended up getting a job application to a well known modeling industry. It was a rather high rated place, and apparently very hard to get into. So when Shoto was talking with his good fox friend Mysta one day he might have let it slip when they were playing on his Switch, making Mysta gasp loudly.

"You actually got a job there?! Dude! Do you know who works there?!" Mysta asked with the most wide eyed look he could manage, leaving the poor boy confused as he slowly shook his head, an eyebrow raised. "No?" Shoto said, more of a question than a statement. "Bro, Vox Akuma! The one and only amazing tailor ever hired! He's made clothes for the big dogs like Ike and Uki! You know, the novelist and the astronomy guy!" Mysta explained, making Shoto thankfully less confused. Seems like this man was at a high rank if he made clothes for people as well liked as them. This just might be fun. "Huh. Doesn't seem too bad. Besides! How scary can he be, if at all? I got this, Mysta! Besides, this is a well-paying job, I can't just turn it down." Shoto said, making Mysta think. "You're right about that. Just..be careful man." Mysta said, Shoto giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll be as careful as I can." Shoto said with a reassuring grin before they went back to playing Smash.

That leads us to now, aka Shoto standing in front of a massive building that is pure white with more windows than he could count. And from gazing inside of the windows, he could tell a simple house plant in there cost more than his entire wardrobe of clothes. So, he took a deep breath, took a few steps, and pushed the doors open. He walked in with as much confidence as he could muster, walking up to the front desk as he adjusted the sort of formal sweater he was wearing. There sat Shu, the receptionist. "Hm? Ah, who might you be? Do you have an appointment?" The man asked, making Shoto gulp slightly. "Shoto. And I have a modeling interview here for five thirty?" Shoto asked, Shu thinking for a second then nodded soon after. "Ah, Mr. Shoto, right this way please. Mr.Kaneshiro has been expecting you." Shu said, the slightly shorter male nodding as he quickly followed him, his boots tapping lightly on the polished ground as Shu's high heeled boots made slight clicking noises.

They soon arrived to the elevator, Shu pressing a button then the two stepping in, standing in comfortable silence as they waited, Shoto messing with his belt every so often. Small habit of his that was hard to break. They then arrived on the floor, Shu calmly turning to Shoto and brushing off his shoulders, adjusting his outfit and pushing his hair away from his forehead. "Good luck. Know Mr. Kaneshiro does not bite, but he can get excited. Be sure to not show nervousness. He will not be rude, he will just worry. Now, off you go." Shu said with the most warm smile he's had so far, easing Shoto as he nodded and walked out, walking down the hall and stepping into Luca's office.

As soon as those doors opened, Shoto was greeted with a blonde haired male sitting at a desk, his fedora tilted slightly as to cover part of his face. When the blonde heard the door open he was quick to perk up, immediately gasping when he saw Shoto. "Shoto! You've made it! Oh please, come take a seat! I have things to discuss with you." Luca said, motioning to the chair in front of him. Shoto was quick to sit down, crossing his legs as Luca leaned forward.
"So! As you know, our modeling agency is the best in the city. I expect high things from you, if you choose to accept. If you choose so, you will be awarded a good salary, free drinks and snacks, outfits that you can keep, and not only that but your own apartment nearby! How exciting is this?" Luca said with a smile that would have blinded most. He almost reminded Shoto of a golden retriever. Such happy and dopey energy that made anyone love to be around him.

𝖡𝗎𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 - 𝖵𝗈𝗑𝗍𝗈 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now