After the practices, she went off on her own not caring that she left Jimin behind. She wandered off the campus by herself. Roaming carelessly trying to find herself. She climbed a flight of stairs and entered the doorway to the rooftop. She sighed and ran towards the edge and let out a frustrated scream. " F*ck everything! "

As she ended her cry, Jin stood beside her by the edge. " Thats very unladylike for you to say. "

" Its none of your business. " She replied abruptly. Mina was taken aback by Jin's sudden appearance, but she sticked to her current self. She didn't spare him a look but continued to look at the surrounding buildings around the academy's campus.

" You're in my hangout place and you're disturbing the silence, so its my business. " Jin reasoned with the truth while seeking his way through Mina's problem.

" I'm just so confused. " Mina confessed while looking at her hands that clasped and unclasped repeatedly.

Jin replies after thinking about his reply " Can I help you with anything? " He chooses a safer one, not forcing Mina to share her problem.

Silence took over as Mina took a minute or so to think about it. She walks to a safer part of the rooftop and sits down to relax her aching legs. Jin walks over and sits beside her too. Seeing that Jin was willing to listen, Mina sighed and spoke.

" I don't know whats wrong with me really. You can call it 'identity crisis' or whatever. And Jimin courting me, is not helping. " Mina stares blankly at the area around her, looking anywhere but Jin.

" Identity crisis? Wae? Are you not being yourself? " Jin looks at her curiously but Mina doesnt face him.

" I don't really socialize and stuff, but with you guys.. I.. just.. I seem off. I feel like its not the old me.. " Mina, ashamed of what just escaped out of her mouth, hung her head low, still avoiding eye contact with Jin.

Hearing Mina's answer, Jin stood up and dusted off his palm. " Well you said it already. Its the old you. "

He offered a hand out to Mina and for the first time she looked up to meet his eyes. She didn't fully grasp Jin's thought but she gladly accepted his hand. She stood up and Jin patted her head. " Don't be afraid to change as long as its for the better."

She smiled at Jin's wise words. Although now she wonders.. Is she changing for the better?

" Thanks Jin. You really know what you're saying. Like a wise ahjushhi. " She smiled once more and dusted the dirt away from her uniform.

" Hey I'm not that old! " Jin pouts at her last comment and crosses his arms.

Well he sure doesn't look like an ahjushhi " Its a figure of speech! Silly! " Mina quickly left and went back for her things left in her locker.

As she was on her way to her own locker, her thoughts dawned back to Jimin. All the thinking is making her tired and hungry. She shakes her head and grabs her stuff. She decided to ask Jin about her Jimin problem since he seems to know everything.

As she reached the rooftop, there was no sign of Jin. Where could he be? All the walking has been getting into her it made her more tired and hungry.

To her surprise, she comes across Jhope. " Hey Mina! Oh.. Where's Jimin? " Jhope smiles a toothy one but immediately looks around to find Jimin anywhere around Mina.

She was about to answer but Jhope quickly interupts. " Never mind about him. At least he gives you time alone. "

Right. The only reason why Mina's alone now is because she escaped from him or more like ditched him. She nervously laughs it off and asks a question she's been meaning to ask " Have you seen Jin? "

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