16| Oh, my church members

Start from the beginning

"Can you see properly?" The doctor asked and Joy replied, "Yes." Both she and Dayo watched the middle-aged Doctor jot something down.

"Do you experience headaches, pain, anything out of the ordinary?" He asked and Joy thought for a second before she shook her head. Suddenly, she remembered an important piece of information.

"Well, I realised that I'm afraid of the dark. I'm not just afraid. I... I find it hard to breathe during that period." She explained and he nodded his head in understanding then began to write down once more.

"Will she... will her memories return soon?" Adedayo asked, leaning away from the backrest of his chair.

"I can't say they definitely will. There are cases whereby the patient completely loses those memories and there are ones which return after years. Nothing is certain. For now, she'll have to undergo a scan and a few tests. I'll be able to say more after that."

Joy and Adedayo exchanged looks. Neither heard what they would've loved to hear.

"It's going to be fine." Dayo told her when they were outside the hospital. He'd seen the sad state she'd been in throughout the period of tests and scans.

Joy lowered her eyes. "I hope so. There's a huge chance I might never remember who I am." She lifted her eyes to him. A warm smile appeared on her face. "I'm glad I have you."

Those words. They fiddled with his heart. Adedayo was finding out day in, day out that little sentences such as this one from her, somehow managed to make him feel different. The good kind of difference. He liked it. Perhaps, secretly and yes, he was weary of such a feeling. But he was reluctant to take a drastic action against it. Maybe he thought it wouldn't amount to anything big. God help him if he turns out wrong.

His smile was quick to disappear as it had appeared. "Shall we go?" He told her and she nodded.

In church, that Sunday, Joy wouldn't stop smiling as she watched Dayo. He really was full of surprises. She would've never thought he could play the drums like a champ. The choir finished their number and everyone left back to their seats. The senior pastor took charge of the altar and thus began his sermon. Once in a few whiles, her gaze transgressed from the pastor to Dayo who sat amongst the other instrumentalists. A few times, their eyes met and he couldn't stop himself from smiling back at her. They were both aware their actions might seem silly but neither could control themselves.

The church was a Pentecostal gathering of close to eighty people and the building was capable of taking in more than that number. Joy noticed her neighbours attended as well. Perhaps because it was trekkable from their homes.

During a period of welcoming new members, Joy was encouraged to stand on her feet so everyone could see the new addition. Though she felt uncomfortable having their eyes on her, she stood on her feet regardless. She was welcomed, especially with a few handshakes from the people seated around her. One of the ushers led her to the backstage, an office. There, she and two other newcomers were prayed for. They were made to fill a document with questions regarding a bit of who she was. Joy had a hard time filling it. Any personal claim she had was because of Adedayo so her few replies could be traced to him. The rest, she left unanswered.

After service, Joy waited in her seat for him. She'd seen him go behind the altar with the others, the same path she'd earlier been directed into. He'd gestured to her to wait and that he'll be back soon.

"Dayo, we saw a special guest today. Does this mean a big announcement is coming soon?" A thirty something year old choir member teased, after they'd concluded their brief meeting and shared a word of prayer. The rest were all smiles and cheers.

Adedayo wasn't sure on how to react but one thing he didn't do was deny anything. Nearly everyone had seen him walk into the church alongside her. She'd only spoken, smiled and exchanged glances with him. The fact he knew Joy was clear.

"Ah, yes oh. We all saw her. She's very beautiful." Another, younger than the first speaker, added. All the choir members wore the same colour although there was a slight difference in their shades.

Adedayo could only awkwardly smile. He understood what they were insinuating. In fact, it was all everyone ever insinuated when they saw them together. Has he been such a loner all this life? The presence of a woman by his side and everyone believes he has finally decided to settle down.

"Why do you bother to ask? We know Dayo. He'll never admit to anything. Dayo, am I not right?" One of the instrumentalists inserted, amusement drawn across his face and so did the rest.

"It's true. Joy is with me." Dayo stated, with that, he neither admitted to anything nor did he deny their indirect accusations. Most of their smiles were stretched to their ears. Dayo wondered why they felt so pleased with an information that would in no way benefit them. The social slash acquaintances lifestyle was exhausting. He was never this way. After he moved to his present home, he decided to try living a normal life for the first time. Along the way, he didn't give out much information, hoping everyone would accept things the way they were. Instead, somehow, he only piqued their interest further.

Their walk back was casual except for the amusing glances Joy kept stealing at Dayo.

He looked at her. "Do you want to say something?"

She was hesitant at first. "You didn't tell me you played the drum."

Adedayo's reaction was a mixture of smile and chuckle. When she didn't expect it, he took her hand, led her to take a few steps to his side while he went on her side. That way, he walked on the path she walked before which was close to the road.

"It's nothing, really. It's just a hobby I picked up." He replied and during this time, her mind had wandered away from his words to the thought of what he just did and that his hand held hers. Perhaps, he'd forgotten to let go and Joy didn't find a bone in her willing to let go. Though his hand was rough and larger than hers, all she could think of was the fact they held hands.

Adedayo glanced down once at his hand with which he held Joy's hand. After the swap, strangely, he'd held her hand in his and hadn't let go. If anything, it felt natural, like he was doing nothing wrong. Maybe he had indirectly become accustomed to her or maybe he liked it and chose not to let go. He wondered though why Joy hadn't let go. Was she trying to be polite or did she feel it? That something big had changed between their relationship.

Unfamilair phrases or words

Una see am? - Did any of you see him?

Ah, shebi I say make we no take am easy for where that boy dey. - Ah, I did say we shouldn't go easy on that boy.

No be your fault? Na you talk am say he no fit do nothing. See am? Werey don japa. - Isn't it your fault? You were the one who said he can do nothing. Have you seen it? The crazy guy has ran away.

Watin that one come mean!? - What does that mean? or What are you trying to say?

Make una stop that one! - Everyone stop it!

we no go let am escape. Oya, make we dey go. - We can't let him escape. Alright, let us get going.

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