the empty void inside

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Jokers pov:

After we crashed the party I drug some people from the party out into one of the vans tying them up and covering their mouth with duct tape.

I closed the back of the van and locked it.

"GO BEFORE THE BAT GETS HERE i need to finish some business.." I said shouting at the driver.

They took off and I made my way though the ally ways without being spotted.

I had seen billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne through one of the ally's and I had ran into him. "watch where your going" I said as I got up off the ground dusting my purple jacket off.

He wouldn't stop staring at me, "take a picture it will last longer" I mumbled making my way past him still walking through the ally ways.

A few minutes later..

I kicked open the door. "HARLEY QUINN GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW" I said snarling. "What is it Mr J" she said as she walked out from a room.

"Give me my Chemical back Toxin gave it to me"

"Stop calling him toxin his name is scarecrow and he is a nice guy"


Ivy threw me out and I fell back onto the ground as the doors locked.

I got back up dusting my jacket off. I was fucking pissed but also felt something else..

It felt like a void in my heart like I was missing something and I think that thing was Harley..

I need someone new someone different..

I walked on the streets firing my gun off at anyone who passed me or ran.

Not long but then Batman showed up.

He grabbed me by my throat pinning me at the wall as I let out a chuckle. "Hello batsy shouldn't you be dealing with the rest of the problems happing?"

"Yes but your the one shooting innocent people" he said with his raspy voice.

"Oh batsy I know that you have been trying to put Some of these criminals in Arkham prison I know where 3 of them are if you just let me go I can tell you."

Batman's pov:

He pointed his gun up under my chin, if I made one wrong move the bullet would slit through my skull killing me in the process.

I took my hand off his neck "alright now start talking.." I said crossing my arms he reached into his pocket pulling something out but stopped I could only see what looked like the bottom of it.

"Oh and batsy here's a present" he said as I herd a click. He threw something at me out from it emerged these dark brownish reddish fumes before I could even think of doing anything I started coughing I felt this pain in my muscles they ached I was having a hard time walking.

I herd his laughter as he ran away I followed the voice but I lost It, I made it out of the fumes.

I my vision went blurry as my limp body fell on the ground then it all went black.


I woke up in my bed my muscles still hurting I could move but it really hurt.

I look over and there's my son.

"Dad your awake" he said smiling.

"How long was I out for dick?" I asked.

"A day at least oh by the way I put you on this dating app yesterday and you have a date tonight" he said nervously laughing.


"With who!?" I asked.

"Someone who goes by J he said he will treat you nice and everyone loves him and he's super nice?.. I don't know that's what it says on his profile." He said handing me my phone.

"I need to see who this is" I said opening the app he downloaded on my Phone.

I went to the messages, all the texts that dick sent all looks like something that I would say.

"Please go" he said begging.

"Fine but only to set this straight with what happened and that I'm not looking to date anyone soon.." I mumbled.

"Seriously?! Dad you have been looking for people to connect with and you don't connect with any of them just try this one please."

"Fine.." I said groaning.

I leaned up and stretched my muscles hurt more when I stretched.

"Let me go take a shower and we will go down to the batcave and you could help me with this little gadget I found from the riddler." I said getting out of bed, I put my phone on my night stand and walked to my bathroom.

"Ok" he said leaving.

More chapters to come.

Word count: 790

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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