what's Killing angels? ( On the Head of a Pin ) part 3

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SAM twists his hand. ALASTAIR's eyes roll white and he chokes.

How are the demons killing angels?

I don't know.


It's not us. We're not doing it.

I don't believe you.

Lilith is not behind this. She wouldn't kill seven angels. Oh, she'd kill a hundred, a thousand.

SAM stops.

Oh, go ahead. Send me back, if you can.

I'm stronger than that now. Now I can kill.

before Sam is able to kill Alastair with Haven in the room, Haven all of a sounded vanishes into thin air. witch shokes both Sam, Cas and the Demon.

but before either of the angel of the demon are able to question it, SAM holds out his hand. Gold light flares inside ALASTAIR as he screams. ALASTAIR's host collapses, dead.


Meanwhile with Haven

Haven appears in a pool not to far from wear her and the Winchester had been earlier in the day. before herself and Dean had been kidnaped by the two angels.

really Uncle Gabe a pool? the youngest archangel question

witch just made Gabriel laugh at his niece

yeah, yeah so funny Haven said sarcastically.


back with Sam, Dean and Cas


DEAN is in bed, heavily bandaged with a breathing tube and an IV drip. SAM sits next to him. CASTIEL appears at the doorway, pauses, and continues down the hallway. SAM follows him out of the room.


Get in there and heal him. Miracle. Now, Sam demand Cas even though he was worried about Haven. he was still scared of louiseing his older brother more at this point in time.

while you do that find Haven as well, the younger Winchester also demanded.

I can't, nor can I find Haven Cas tell the vessel of Lucifer.

you kidnaped Haven.

You and Uriel put him in there—


—because you can't keep a simple devil's trap together.

I don't know what happened. That trap...it shouldn't have broken. I am sorry.

This whole thing was pointless. You understand that? The demons aren't doing the hits. Something else is killing your soldiers.

Perhaps Alastair was lying.

No, he wasn't.

SAM goes back to DEAN. CASTIEL looks as though he has been slugged in the face.


back with Haven and Gabriel

you are hilarious really Uncle Gabe really, Haven says once she is finally out of the water.

what did you expect me to do poof myself in the room, letting the angels in the room know that I'm alive?

Heaven rolls her eyes her uncle question

The little archangelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora