another angel knows where I am great (It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester)

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We see the front entrance of the high school.


DEAN walks into a room full of art masks, and looks up. He sees a particular demonic looking one, and focuses on it. We hear the screams and screeching we have when DEAN is dreaming since he got back from hell, signaling maybe the mask made him think of something from his time in hell. We see someone walk up behind DEAN.

SAM (V.O.):

Bring back memories?

What do you mean?

no if anything it bring back nightmares Haven exclaims thinking back to her high school days

Being a teenager, all that angst.

DEAN sighs, a little relieved that neither SAM nor Haven saw what was going on with DEAN staring at the mask.


Whatd you think I meant?


DEAN looks over at JUSTIN, who is putting a big bong-shaped piece into a kiln.

Now that brings back memories.

Dude, I need a bigger kiln.

A teacher comes around a corner

when Haven saw the teacher she automatically got a bad vibe off of him

You lady and gentlemen wanna talk to me?

Ah, Mr. Harding.

Oh, please, Don.

DON reaches for SAMs hand

Okay, Don.

DON reaches for DEANs hand next.

then he reaches for Haven hand so she thought quicly

sorry I'm a germaphobe the arch angel quickly said.

Don countious talking to the three of them after being denied a hand shake from Haven

Even my students call me Don.

Yeah, we get it, Don.

DEAN, Haven and SAM pull out their badges.

Im agent Getty, this is Agent Lee and Agent Forbes. We just had a few questions about, uh, Tracy Davis.

Uh, yeah, Tracy, uh, bright kid, loads of talent. Its a shame she got suspended.

Uh, you two had a uh, violent altercation.

Yeah, she exploded. If Principal Murrow hadnt walked by when he did, Tracy would have clawed my eyes out.


how come Haven questions?

I, uh, you know, I was only trying to rap with her about her work. It had gotten inappropriate and disturbing.

DEAN turns and indicates the angry masks hanging on the wall and the ceiling.

More disturbing, than, uh, those guys?

She would cover page after page with these bizarre cryptic symbols, and then there were the drawings.

Symbols, what kind of symbols? Uh, anything like this?

Haven reaches into her bag and grabs the Celtic coin

the young Morningstar shows DON a small bag with the silver Celtic coin in it.

Yeah, yeah, I think that might have been one of them.

You know where Tracy is now?

I would imagine her apartment.

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