An arranged marriage

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Mystic falls 1863
April 2nd


Todays the day... I'm getting married

Coming up to this moment I have cried so many times, I don't think I cried as much over my mothers death or the abuse from my father. Santos invited me to many events along side him, my father made me go and I would arrive home to Cassandra and tell her everything.

I had every maid in the house helping me get ready

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I had every maid in the house helping me get ready. I was in my dress with my hair done admiring a picture of me and my mother, I was smiling at the young age I was and my mother had a straight face.
"I love you momma!" I smiled sadly before placing my veil over my face and walking downstairs.

I arrived at the church ready to be married, in all honesty I wanted to turn around take off this veil and run. Run in the wind through the trees till my feet gave up, run like there was nothing stopping me. Run like my mother planned to with me and my brothers from my father.
I entered the church and seen Cassandra smile sadly at me. There were a lot of people in the church, most I had no idea who they were.
My brothers looked over to me as I walked through the aisle. I had to laugh in my mind... me a 15 year old girl with her whole life planned by her father, getting married to a man 9 years older than me. If only my mother were here to see this... I know she wouldn't be able to do much but I like to imagine there is a world we're me my brothers and my mother live happily, no Giuseppe. I would always imagine me to grow up looking like my mother and my brothers her too, no reminder of the demons amongst us.

I was at the top of the aisle and the ceremony began.

After the ceremony me and santos rode in a fancy carriage to our new shared home, I did not know about this home until 2 seconds ago.

There was a big elegant party with many more people than from the ceremony. Me and santos were dancing when I went a separate way, meeting with Cassandra and my brothers.

I pounded into their arms.
"I don't wanna live here, I can't please don't make me." I cried out to them.
Cassandra Stefan and Damon hugged he and tried to comfort me.
"We will make it out together Katie, I promise you a life with no marriage until you are ready to someone you love. Maybe there is a life like that for us one day." My best friend told me.

"Katie I'm so sorry!" Damon hugged me. "Brother do not apologise, it is not your fault." I smiled hugging my family.
"Men are very territorial..."
I was pulled up to the head of the stairs by my fake husband. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending our special day!" Santos smirked.
"Me and my lovely wife do really thank you, drink dance and enjoy. May the party never end!" Santos raised a glass as did everyone else.

I was in the ballroom dancing with Damon, "I'm sorry little sister, I promised to protect you and I failed..." Damon sighed.
"It's alright Damon, you did protect me and I shall always admire that as with Stefan too."

I was switched to my other brother.
"You sure you can do this?" Stefan questioned. "I don't have a choice but I'll make it out alive." I smiled at my brother before going a different way.


Katiana Salvatore was born and younge Stefan and Damon were seeing their sister.

"I promise to protect you from all harm in this world!" Damon smiled to his baby sister.
Stefan was unable to speak fully since he was only a year old.  "Baby..." Stefan managed to say.

Time skip

I was standing at the door with santos biding everybody goodbye.

"Thank you for attending!" I smiled at some random person.
Next came Stefan, "thank you big brother." I smiled hugging him and Damon but was pulled back by santos.
"You do not hug other men!" He warned me.
I yelled and Cassandra was the last person.
"Allow me to lead you to your carriage!" I offered and walked out.
"He would not let my hug my brothers." I scoffed.
"Katiana listen to me, I will find a way to help you!" Cassandra hugged me before leaving with my brothers.

I entered back in the house and seen santos.
"Go get out of your wedding gown, I have buisness to take care of and I expect you to not make a sound!" Santos demanded walking off.

I changed out of my wedding dress and people started walking to me...turns out santos sent maids to turn me into a real lady.
How could he.

It hurt me what I was forced to do.

The secret SalvatoreTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang