When i need it

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I was in New Orleans taking care of somethings, I knew klaus was out to find Katie.
A vampire I don't recognised walked up to me handing me bags and a note.
"And you are?" I questioned him.

"Read the note." And then the vampire sped away.
"Who's that?" Diego asked me.
"I have no idea..." I pulled open the note and see it was from Katie.

"Hey man I gotta take these bags somewhere I'll be back in a bit." I sped off with the bags leaving them in my little loft.

I then went to davina.

"Marcel?" She was surprised to see me.
"Hey d, Katie's coming home soon...klaus found her and she needs to have her baby." I looked at davina who smiled until I mentioned klaus.

"What!" The young witch snapped. "I'm sorry d."


I was in the old house when I got a call.
I ignored it and out my phone on silent. It kept buzzing and buzzing. Then I seen there was a voicemail.

"Hey Katie, please pick up...look something happened and I need you to answer your phone right now." It was Stefan, I ended up calling him back walking through the house waiting for him to answer. "Hey Katie, thank god is everything ok?" Stefan asked me sounding relived.

"Yea Stefan...what happened?" I was nervous.
"Katie, Damon's gone... he was on the other side and the other side was destroyed along with Bonnie." The line went silent.


I was calling Katie telling her the news trying not to cry myself.
The line was silent and I was worried.
"Katie..." no answer.
"Katie I'm so sorry, we'll try everything to try find him and bring him back." A tear slid down my eye.
It was silent until I heard a sniffle.

"Thank you Stefan..I-I have to go." And with that Katie hung up and the line went dead.

"How'd she take it?" Caroline asked walking over to me.
"She didn't answer me, she went off crying Caroline. I have no idea where she is..." Caroline pulled me into a hug.
"Everything will work out Stefan." Caroline sighed.
"But will it Caroline? Everything just gets ruined." I fought.

"Stefan Salvatore you listen to me, your sister who you thought was dead was actually alive... it worked out! She's Mother Nature I'm sure she can find some connections. You thought you and Damon were dead but you turned into a vampire. It worked out!" Caroline yelled towards me.

"Stefan just please...stop being selfish because you may have the curse of vampirism but everything works out. Your really lucky for that Stefan." Caroline patted my back and walked away.
It was in that moment I realised how lucky I actually was.

My sister came back from the dead, me and my brother didn't die... my baby sister is giving us a niece that we thought could never happen. And my sister always makes it back to us.


I had to leave this place, my brother was gone and I couldn't cope. As I was running from the woods my stomach start giving me horrible pains.

"Seriously." I yelled.
I felt a liquid go down my leg and I knew "baby's coming"

I rushed to New Orleans, I wanted to have my baby here with both my brothers but life had other plans.
A group of witches brought me into a church and lay me down.
"Get off of me." I yelled causing wind to erupt.

Two witches held me as the other one was at the end delivering my baby.
"Why are you doing this?" I cried in pain.
"This baby will bring death to us all, it's a monster." The woman at the end yelled towards me.
"No child of mine will ever be a monster!" I yelled breaking away from the girls but it was too late the baby was born.

My eyes filled with joy even though I was covered in blood.
Klaus marched in and seen the witches and me with the baby. I looked over to him and back to the baby when the witches sliced my throat and I bled out.

"No!" Klaus yelled but the witches held him back.
They took the baby and left.

Marcel and davina marched in and seen me laying there covered in my own blood.

"Katie!" Davina cried rushing over to me.
Marcel rushed over also while klaus stood there in shock.

"Where's the baby klaus!" Marcel yelled.
"They took my child!" Klaus yelled as him and marcel barged out of the church in search for the baby.


I was checking on Katie while the boys left to find the baby.
I grabbed her hand trying a spell but nothing was working, I was trying to resurrect her but also not working.

"What the hell?" I questioned checking her pulse which wasn't there.


I got a phone call and started balling my eyes out.
I rushed to Salvatore home with only 1 Salvatore left and barged in.

"Stefan!" I yelled crying, stefan rushed down hugging me.
"Shh, what happened." He asked me.

"It's..it's Katie she's dead." I sobbed uncontrollably.
"What?" Stefans was no starting to cry.
"How..." stefan was unsure if he wanted to know the answer to his questioned. "She was giving birth and they slit her throat..." stefan ran off upstairs and I decided to head to Elena and give stefan space.


I'm the last Salvatore... how could they kill my baby sister?

I seen a glass and threw it, I started throwing books and pictures.
"Ahh" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I lay against Katie's wall and slid down crying.
"Why? I thought everything worked out... I've been so lucky for it to work out and the one time I need it to it isn't." I cried more.

                        The end.

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