By the time we finish, it's almost 5 o'clock and we are in our third restuarant and all we've had is soft drinks. I suggest that we grab something to eat right there and Pula doesn't object so we pack away, place our orders and relax. I just want to unwind a little.

"You have a hectic job. Having to keep people happy " She says and I chuckle.

"That's not even the hard part."

"Really? What is?"

"Making sure that projects go as planned. It can get challenging sometimes."

"I can only imagine."

"Can we cut off on work talk? I feel tired of it already and it's a friday, it's supposed to be a fun day."

"Sure, What would you rather talk about, Mr. Netshia?" She asks all serious like but I see that she's just messing with me so I narrow my eyes at her making her giggle shyly. She's cute.

"Maybe we could have a sort of let's get to know each other kind of thing."

"I'd like that, but you first." she quickly says and I lean back on my seat.

"Okay, well uhh, where to start? I'm the first of three kids. We are two guys and one girl. I come from a big family, I've got my aunt and uncles and cousins. A grandmother in Venda and a grandfather here in the Cape. I've got one good friend and we both love a good party. I like to believe that I'm a pretty chilled guy hey. There's not much to know."

"You forgot to mention that you have a scary girlfriend" She says teasingly.

"Ex girlfriend."

"She's still scary." she says and I laugh a bit. I've never been scared of Sindi but I know she's a mean girl so I can try and view her from Pula's point of view and yeah, it's not a pretty side.

"Well, she's in the past now."

"What happened there?" she asks looking at me "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want..."

"It's fine, it's no longer a big deal. She cheated." I say and her eyes go wide.

"Someone cheated on you? The whole you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask and she fixes her glasses, something I've learned she does when she's feeling unsure but I hold her gaze

"I don't know, I mean... You're like one of the most popular guys... Or at least you were in varsity so I can't imagine that she would do that to you when there were so many girls that would do anything to get with you."

"Are you one of those girls?" I turn the attention to her and I swear I see her blush

"No, plus I've got a boyfriend." She says the last part firmly.

"Okay, your turn now."

"I'm also the first of three kids, Two girls and one boy. My relatives are far so we hardly see them. We lost our mom seven years ago... I'm more of an introvert but I do go out sometimes, I just don't do well in large crowds, My little sister is my best friend..."

"I'm sorry about your mom."

"It's okay, These things happen..." She fixes her glasses again.

"So it's just you, your dad and siblings?"

"No, he remarried 3 years ago... She's amazing and we have a great relationship."

"That's good to hear, it's not often you hear about success step parent and child relationships." I say relating to my own life but my case is completely different, for all my life I've only known one woman to be my mother and she has been beyond amazing and kind to me, even in times when I didn't deserve it.

Mrs. Netshia too Where stories live. Discover now