Chapter 5: Break Up?!

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"Waiting for the President?" a sly voice asks, glancing at the StuCo room's new guest.

Ori returns the girl's glance, taking note of the scent of ink filling the air.

"Ah, Kaguya-sama, I didn't mean to disturb you," He quickly apologizes, while taking a seat on the turquoise couch and facing towards her.

"It's quite alright, calligraphy isn't the most meticulous job in the world," she reassures.

Although their conversation seems lighthearted and a tad awkward, their body language and eyes were anything but.

Both Kaguya and Ori were staring daggers into each other, far from fond of each other's presence.

"Ah, calligraphy. I must admit, your handiwork is getting a bit sloppy," Ori sneers, leaning back on the couch and observing her craftsmanship.

"Watch your tone, boy," Kaguya warns, starting to grip on the brush she was holding.

"And if I don't?" Ori asks, calling Kaguya's bluff.

"Then I'll—"

Kaguya is interrupted by the doors of the room flinging open, revealing a disheveled and stressed woman, as if she ran miles to get to the Student Council room.

"Another visitor? How can I help you?" Kaguya greets, biting her tongue to hide her displeasurement from the extra company.

"I need love advice!" the girl proclaims, gaining Ori and Kaguya's attention.

Kaguya fixes her gaze on the woman, "Love...advice?"

"Yes! I...don't know what to do..." she continues, "And I heard the Student Council helps with problems like this! So you're the only one that can help me!"

"Wait...aren't you Kashiwagi?" Ori asks, finally looking up to see the red-eyed girl.

She nods in a vigorous fashion, with Ori's expression visibly lighting up, much to the suspicion of Kaguya.

"Very well, it is my duty as the Student Council's Vice President to resolve any troubles that the students may have." Kaguya wipes off her brush and starts packing up her calligraphy. "I'm sure our president would say the same thing."

"Please, come in and tell us what the matter is,"

Kashiwagi obliges to Kaguya's request and steps into the room. Ori stands and offers her his seat, opting to sit down next to Kaguya.


"I want to know how to break up with my boyfriend."

The room falls silent, only interrupted by the chatter of students traversing the halls. Ori hears Kaguya gulp.

Suddenly, Kashiwagi cries out, "I mean, you're so popular, Kaguya—you must know so much about love! Please, I know you'll probably have a great idea to help me!"

Ori lifts a hand slightly. "Ahem...why do you want to break up with him anyway?


A feeling of triumph fills Ori's chest. He would tell Maki about this news as soon as he could. His fist tightens in anticipation of Kashiwagi's response and he could feel himself sweat by the second.

"I'm just not sure if I should stay with him or not. I only said okay in the heat of the moment, but he and I barely know each other..."

'I knew it,' Ori thinks, a line creasing between his brows.

"We only just started going out recently but we also haven't really done anything that real lovers do yet...and, I don't know, it feels like we're further apart than we were before..."

Ori could see Kaguya deep in thought, like she was thinking of the best response to sound reassuring.

"Do you think it would be better to just...apologize to him and go your own separate ways?" Ori tilts his head. Kashiwagi nods and lets out a huff.

"Well, you did accept his confession, and even so, is it safe to say that you dis-like him? Perhaps it's too early to break up, so why don't you start by listing his good points?" Kaguya suggests.

Ori shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose. 'Damn it, Shinomiya.'

Kashiwagi proceeds to try her best to list out things about Tsubasa, shifting her weight on the couch and thinking hard.

"I don't know, Kashiwagi, it appears you're having a hard time thinking of the good things about Tsubasa—"

"—LET ME IN ON THIS CONVERSATION!" a sudden voice shrieks out.

'Ah, Chika. I haven't seen you in a while,' Ori thinks, his brows lifting.


She points her thumb to her chest proudly and Ori watches in awe. Kashiwagi smiles in relief of how determined Chika sounded.

They all watch as Chika spins dramatically, now giving her attention to Kashiwagi.

"Your worries stem from not knowing how you truly feel about him, correct?" she starts. Kashiwagi confirms. "Alright-y then! As the Love Detective, I'll help you find this 'love' that you seemed to have lost!"

Ori cocks a brow. 'Chika isn't gonna help with my situation either, huh?'

"First of all, just imagine him with another girl..."

"What is the point of this?" both Kaguya and Ori ask in sync. They look at each other almost in disgust.

"Just do it!"

Ori sees both Kaguya and Kashiwagi imagine that kind of scenario and tries to follow suit. Scanning through a roster of girls' names in his head, he can't imagine being jealous over anyone.

'Maki? No...Chika? Eh, not at the moment... Hayasaka—?'

"—I guess..." Kashiwagi interrupts his thoughts. "I guess I really don't like that at all..."

Chika chuckles and closes her eyes, snapping her fingers into finger guns under her chin. "Right! And that's jealousy—you really do like him if imagining that gives you a bad feeling~!"

"Huh..." Ori stares blankly.

So there won't be news to tell Maki, after all.

Results Of Today's Battle: Ori's (and by default, Maki's) Defeat.

The Transactional Relationship (Ai Hayasaka X OC) [Kaguya-sama: Love Is War]Where stories live. Discover now