Chapter 28: "The final meeting"

Start from the beginning

Michael: "Maybe, but I recommend to be on guard, if something will happen." He said it calmly as he took a cup of tea and took a sip from it.

Girls(-Pony): "(Y/N)!" They yelled out some surprised and some scared making me go pale.

Michael: "And for now I think you need to calm down your girls." He said it calmly with the little smile.

Y/N: "No shit, Mr. Blanc." I said it as walked out from the kitchen.

(Time skip. Tomorrow. Way to your house. 9:26)

Me and girls were walking up to my house and damn they're worried, well, most of them.

Y/N: "Girls, calm down. She'll totally like you." I said it trying to calm them down, but it doesn't really work.

Momo: "I don't know, (Y/N). What if we say something wrong, or what if she will see something in us that she won't like, or-" She was saying it in panic till I just grabbed her by her t-shirt collar, tugged her down to my level and kissed her, which, of course, made her shut up. We separated as her face was very red now.

Y/N: "Calm. Down. I know you're all worried, I was worried, when I was meeting your parents, but you all are meeting my mom only." I said it calmly as let Momo go. She straighten up and we continued our way. Soon enough we walked up to my house to see that Jaiden is waiting for us.

Jaiden: "There you are!" She said it as she saw us. We walked up, and I saw that door is opened, and through the doorway I could see Michael's and Darby's shoes, which means that they're already here. "Come on in!" She said it as she held the door wide open. "Mom! (Y/N) is here and not alone either!" She yelled this out as we started walking in.

Mom: "Welcome home, (Y/N)!" She said it as she walked out from kitchen. "How are y- Oh my god!" She said it in surprise as she saw us, I don't blame her. "Didn't know we're gonna have that much of the guests. I could buy more groceries in the store." She said it worried a little.

Itsuka: "There's no need for that, Ms. (L/N). R-Really." She said it with the smile as all of us walked in.

Mom: "If you say so..." She said it awkwardly. "Well, come in and make yourself at home. I'll go and make some tea." She said it with the smile as she walked back in the kitchen. We took off our shoes and started walking to the living room. I heard Jaiden closing the door as we were walking. When I walked in the living room I saw Michael sitting on the couch, while watching how Eli is trying to make Darby to be her horse, while Darby himself was laying on the floor with Eli on his back.

Elizabeth: "Come on, whoa!" She said it as she jumped a little.

Darby: "Sorry, but today I'm a lazy horse." He said it with a poker face and a smile. Eli just pouted on that.

Y/N: "Well, I didn't really expect to see this." I said it making all three of them look at us.

Michael: "Oh, well, hello there." He said it calmly making Darby snicker, because it mostly sounded like that Obi-Wan Kenobi's scene from the third episode.

Y/N: "General Michael." I said it as took of my imaginary hat and put it back on my head. We walked in and some sat down on the couch, while others were just looking around. After a few minutes mom walking with the tray that had a lot of cups on it.

Mom: "Never thought that I'll need to use something from those tea sets that Jessica and Asher gave us." She said it as she put the tray on the coffee table.

Y/N: "Well, here we are, using them." I said it calmly with the smile.

Mom: "Yup, but let's push it aside and let me get to know your friends, I mean we never had that much people in the house, even back in States." She said it excitedly making me confused.

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