I think again my timing
is wrong!

You must be taking


At 9:48 pm
Yeah 😅

You should message
me around 9:50
i guess.

                                      Will note it for   
                                      next time!

                                      Well you okay?

Huh? Ahh~ 
Yeah I'm fine. 
Your lie saved me.
You saved me!!🤭


                                     I'm glad that it     


bye bye see you
tomorrow at the
school !


Spinz chuckled and shut his phone, then lay on bed to sleep.

Author pov

The Next Day~

It was just like other normal day.

Time Skip~

After two years.

Now Spinz is 12 years old and read in 8th standard.

Yniee is 15 years old and read in 12th standard.

Vanesa is 14 years old and read in 10th standard.

At school~

In lunchtime, both were eating their lunch peacefully when Yniee interrupted.

Yniee- Baby bro!

Spinz- Yesh!

Yniee- You now today is phe class not P.T.

Spinz- Yesh why?! It's not like that it will be held at same time cause me and you are in different classes.

Yniee- Aishhhh. You should know that you are in 8th standard now.

Spinz- Huh? So?

Yniee face palm herself.

Yniee- You should know why their held phe class for 8th standard and the standard upper than that.

Spinz- Idk so tell me.

Yniee- Cause they want students to do exercise till they get fatigue! They want to check their potential. But-

Spinz- Yaah Noona!! So do you think i will not perform well cause of beating. (In low voice) I'm not weak.

Yniee smile sadly.

Yniee- That's not what i mean to say. I was saying that in phe class you have to wear the P.T. uniform which you never wore! P.T. teacher was never strictly about these things but phe teacher is! And you have to wore it no matter what cause phe marks are counted!! These marks will affect your marks in finals!

After hearing that Spinz spit the nourishment drink(Ofcourse brought by Yniee) he was drinking.

Yniee worryingly starts to pat his back.

Yniee- Yaah!! Be careful!!

After few seconds it stopped.

Spinz- Noona do i really had to wore the uniform?

Yniee- Yeah, you have to wore that sleeveless shirt and shorts as uniform. It's necessary cause phe teacher is very strict when it comes to rules and regulations. So better wore the uniform or he will cut your marks or will give negative marking!

Spinz(pleasing eyes)- Noona.

Yniee(roll eyes)- Yeah yeah... i understand what you want but it's not possible. There is something called rules and regulations. Hmm.

Spinz pouted and lowered his head.

Yniee- But-

Spinz raise his head quickly.

Yniee- What if we do some make-up to cover your bruises?

Spinz- Ohh. It will work i guess.

Yniee- But the problem is from where will be get make-up?

Spinz confusingly stares at Yniee.

Yniee- What? Why are you looking at me like that.

Spinz- Noona you are a girl. Don't you have any make-up material with you?

Yniee- Yaah!! Yesh, I'm a girl but that doesn't mean i have to carry make-up to verify myself as a girl!!!

Spinz- Sorry Sorry!! I don't know much. I'm real sorry. I had saw many girls around me carrying make-up so- but I'm really sorry. Now i think i was were wrong. I had the wrong idea.

Yniee(sign)- It's okay. But what should we do now?

Spinz- Idk. I think we will come to think of anything till phe class.

Yniee was in deep thinking.

Spinz- Noona?


Spinz- Noona!!!

He starts to shake her.

Yniee- Huh?

Spinz- What are you thinking so deeply?

Yniee- Ahh i think i got an idea and i think it will work too!!

Spinz- Huh really??!!

Yniee- Yeah.. kinda in my point of view.

Spinz- Tell me tell me please!!

Yniee- I think-

At that time bell rang.

Yniee- For now attend classes. I will tell you when we will meet in phe class.

Spinz(sign)- Okay.

Yniee ruffle his hair.

Yniee- Don't worry I'm here. Hmm.

Spinz(smiling)- I know!!

Yniee- Le me tell you phe class will start from second last period and will continue till last period.

Spinz- Oka.

Then both left to their respective classes.

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