XVII - Jackson.

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Alex Mhlongo: Good morning, J.

Jackson Malaka: Good Morning P.

P.M: You don't sound enthusiastic, is everything okay?

J.M: What?! Lmao, Alex, I typed the same thing as you.

P.M: I know, but yours seemed far less excited.

J.M: How did you even reach that conclusion?

P.M: My intuition.

J.M: Lmaooooo.

J.M: To answer your question, I am doing well thank you. How are you doing Mr Mhlongo?

P.M: If only I could get the chance to hear you say my name like that in person.

J.M: Keep dreaming, that's never going to happen.

P.M: You want to bet on that pretty boy?

J.M: What's in it for me?

P.M: If you do manage to go the next month without saying it, I am taking you out on a road trip.

J.M: And if I do say it?

P.M: You'll be sleeping over, for a week.

J.M: That's not so bad.

P.M: Hold on, not done yet. While you are here, you do all the chores.

J.M: Do rounds count as chores?

P.M: Lol, it could be our chore.

J.M: Because I am avoiding doing all other chores, I would say you have a bet.

P.M: Great then, can't wait until you lose.

J.M: He naively spoke.

P.M: Watch this space.

P.M: Anyways, I was wondering what plans you have for tonight. Perhaps I could come by and we share some food and watch some Netflix?

J.M: That sounds good; there's a past recipe I've been meaning to try. Maybe tonight could be the nice I finally do.

P.M: Pasta and Netflix sound great! Say 7 p.m.

J.M: Can't wait :)

Now he officially had plans for tonight, and that's all that mattered. Again, his roommate would be out for the night – possibly returning tomorrow morning or Sunday evening, who knows. The liberties that came with living in a space where people would not judge you, arguably, was the best feeling ever. Jackson's roommate, Lwandle, was gay and he did spend most of his time with his on-and-off boyfriend. Lwandle was away so much, that the house could be considered Jackson's. Well yes, the house was in his name – and he never really got to understand how that came about but it has belonged to him since December 2020 and nothing bad has ever really happened to him since moving here, so he figured he would keep it.

It's not like he had anywhere else to go.

He got up and started tidying his bed, before brushing his teeth and showering in the bathroom down the hallway.

Jackson initially was apprehensive about Alex's motives. I mean why would someone want to switch from keeping you a secret to suddenly wanting to be seen with him everywhere.


It did not add up. Jackson had been around the block plentiful times to know that such always takes a turn for the worst and ends up bringing out the worst in people. Jackson was still in awe that frankly, and while he was sceptical about it all – another part could not help but be intrigued at how comfortable he felt around the guy.

The Seven, and their Wealth.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant