XV - Naledi.

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After, what could be considered a very long week, Friday night had finally arrived and Naledi could not curb her excitement any further. The time since her tennis afternoon with Clinton had taken a turn for the better, especially after discovering that they were students on the same campus, for the same institution.

Only Naledi could recall having a smile so wide; what baffled her and Priyanka, who was finally let in on the news of Naledi's vindictive scheme, is why she was so excited to see someone that was not even her boyfriend.

In the past week, they'd spoken so much so Naledi went as far as pinning her chats with Clinton above all others on her WhatsApp messenger account. While they did get off on the trivial foot, Naledi and Clinton did eventually get to talking about profound things such as their life plans, life goals and, arguably the most important, their mutual agreement on how things should be carried out in the relationship.

They were allowed to advertise the relationship, with a limit on it.

No kissing, or any form of intimacy, when it's just the two of them.

They have to see each other at least twice a week.

Naledi owes Clinton a HUGE favour – in return for this.

'Dates/Hangoutrs' are always planned for two weeks.

The relationship is to expire in precisely two months.

Naledi was more than happy with these terms, seeing how it was all performative anyways. All she liked was that Elijah was seething, and he had no choice but to suck it up because he chose this life.

Her phone pinged, as she strolled through campus with Priyanka – to whom she was paying very little attention because of her rambling over the issue of dating guys like her ex-boyfriends. Firstly, they were not Indian, Priyanka had never dated outside her race before and while she was loving the new experience – a lot of it was weird because there were still a lot of things, they were figuring that could be deemed 'normal' within the relationship. On top of that, there was the concern that her family would not warm up to them, because they were ... well, not Indian. Lastly, they were too much of a sweet talker and were often trailed by his other female classmates. As the girlfriend, it's kind of hard to ignore such things. Even the most nonchalant partners eventually begin sweating when they see such.

She reached for her phone, and it was a text from Clinton himself, telling her that he was waiting for her by her car.

Naledi smiled and texted him back a brief message before cutting her friend off.

'Listen, I have to disappear for now.'

'Wait what? It's only five-thirty,' Priyanka responded.

'Which is why I need to disappear. Date night, you know? But listen, maybe you're being too in your head about this. Nishant loves you, and regardless of the people around him, he will always focus on you.'

'But what if he doesn't?'

Naledi hated these sorts of talks, a space where excuses were always brought up on why the relationship should be ended right now.

'Do you want to be that girl G?'

Priyanka folded her arms, with her mouth frowning, looking like a disgruntled child that has just been denied a lollipop.

'Start being excited for all the things that could be right with him, you know?'

'I suppose you have a point,' she sighed.

'Uh of course I do, this sort of advice doesn't just come from anyone.'

Priyanka cracked into a smile before exchanging a brief hug with her friend.

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