"It will never happen again, I sincerely apologize for what I have done," she begged.

"You better be!" she scolded waving for her handmaidens and guards to follow her, leaving Irisa and her maid shaken.

Irisa rose after a while, "what just happened m'lady?" she asked confused looking at where the Empress had walked toward.

"I do not understand too, can we just go back to the party?" Nancy nodded before groaning.

"Ohhhh m'lady, I think I might be pressed!" Irisa frowned, "pressed? Now? Oh common now Nancy!"

"I am sorry m'lady but I cannot hold it much longer!" Irisa sighed, "I will wait here but please be fast," Nancy nodded with urgency, smiling, and thanking her mistress as she ran towards the nearest exit to relieve herself.

Irisa sighed, walking slowly toward a large vase where she thought she had seen a small bench next to it. She took her seat behind the vase, waiting for her maid, "you shouldn't be seen here!"

"I am ready to do it, to take revenge for what Donald has done to me!" Irisa frowned. Who was that? What revenge were they talking about?

"What are you going to do? You know he is a general, he is also armed all the time and you wouldn't be able to even get close to him, he has guards everywhere! Don't do this!"

"I will, he took everything from me! He killed my parents and defiled me! Do you think I could ever forgive that bastard for what he has done?"

"You will get yourself killed if you do this! Please I still care for you! I do not care about your virtue, I can't let you die,"

"I do not care if you want me. Philip, I will kill him and I will not look back. If I die while doing it then that is for the best."

"Don't talk like this Rea! You are a young and free-spirited, assassination of a royal is treason. You will be killed and you involve your innocent younger ones."

"I am sure he would want me to do this! He made me an orphan and took my virtue! I cannot get married and now we are left without parents I will not rest until he dies!" Philip shook his head.

"I am so tired of all this, don't do this, how are you even going to get to him? He is heavily guarded!"

"I am going to use my arrow! I will shoot from the management shuttle above the room, he will soon give the closing remark, I poisoned the arrow, with water hemlock weed, he wouldn't be able to survive it!" Irisa almost gasped. Who was talking? They were going to kill the crown prince!

"Leave Rea do not do this!" Philip begged, "I love you, please, I don't want to you lose you. Think about your younger siblings they will be left with nobody to fend for them."

"I am doing this for them! They will be glad that their parent's murderer was killed and their death avenged!" Philip shook his head, his eyes pleading with her. She pulled him into a tight hug, "I love you Philip but I cannot forget what he has done to me, I cannot! I will forever be grateful for what you have done."

She pulled herself for the hug and ran to the other side of the room. Irisa blinked, 'they were gone!' she needed to warn him, no matter what he has done he is still their future king! But how could he be so vile to make a girl an orphan and then defile her?

She shook her head, why was she even thinking? He was their future king, and by that, she had an obligation to save him. She didn't know the girl or want her to die, she bit her finger contemplating what she was to do.

"M'lady! I am back, I am sorry am late." she needed to get back into the hall first if she was going to do anything.

"M'lady? Where are you going to? wait for me!" Running back into the hall, her eyes flew quickly toward the hall's management shuttle, she couldn't see well.

Princess Irisa And The Fragile Prince.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora