Make it Home

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Kevin's POV

"Rome. Come look at this" Niko called me over to see security camera footages.  This time we got a hit.

"Yeah, that's her. When was this?"

"Uhhh yesterday morning"

"Bet, trace it and send me the address, now." I ran to put on my shoes. The day has finally come. I found my wife. My baby. After today I'll be damned if I ever let her slip away.

As we drove to the motel, I wondered what to say to Kay, how to feel but it was all numb. What am I supposed to say after I've failed her these past couple of years. We pulled up and I ran out.

"Yo sir I need to get into room 225." He was speaking some other language. So I want to the door and motioned for Niko to come in.

"Man tell him I need to get into room 225"

"precisamos entrar no quarto 225" old man looked at me then back to Niko
"esse vagabundo é muito popular, nenhum outro homem lá em cima agora, vá bater" he laughed and walked into a back room.
"Aye man what he say?"

"We'll he called the woman in the room a tramp that there's another man up there now so go and knock." I bolted out the office and up the stairs. I pulled my gun from the holster and the door was already open. I just pushed it to open wider and put my gun up in position.

And here I was, waiting for this day to come.

"Hello brother." I sad as we both had guns pointed at eachother. There was an always silence, and he stood there smirking.

"Where is she."

"Like I'd tell you. She's mine now. Why do you still want her. We've done everything you could think of. And shes carrying my seed once again."

"Your lying. She would've never been happy with you. That's why she wanted to stop. And you knew that. You took everything away from me!" I bolted.

"No! You did that to yourself when you've lied to her, cheated on her. And almost killed her father. And then you brainwashed her. I had her. And then you had to go fuck it up."

"What did you do to her Jayce?" He didn't answer. " I SAID WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" I yelled stepping closer to him adjusting my trigger finger.

"I DID EVERYTHING FOR HER. I saved her. Me. I did that not you. But she loves you. Your a coward Kevin. I always have to do the dirty work for you. You've never protected her.  I became the bad guy, and you still never manned up. So if I can't have her, neither can you.

"Ahhhhh!" I charged at him and just started swinging. He managed to roll on top of me and got his hits in. I reached for the gun bashing his head with its barrel. We went blow for blow.  Until if got on top of him again.

I punched, and punched, and punched, and punched him again and again.  Niko pulled me off and rushed me out the door. I hope he's dead.

"I just got a call from protective services. She's about to board a plane to Florida. You have to get there before that plane takes off." Smoke informed me on Nikos phone.

"What the fuck your standing here looking for, got bring the truck around" I told niko and he flew down the stairs.

"And smoke, he's at the motel. I'm pretty sure he's dead, but you can come see for yourself." I hung up the phone and jetted to the car.
We turned that 45 minute airport drive to 15.

I got to the airport and everything was in their language. I just trusted my gut and ran to the closest terminal I seen.
I pushed past one of them ladies and security chased me from there. I didn't stop, every second counted at this moment.

I ran through the gate and stepped into the plane.

"Kierra! Kay!" I yelled and walk through the plane checking every seat quickly but thoroughly.

"Dammit. I punched the wall and ran out. She wasn't on that one. As I re entered the main lobby niko put up 3 fingers.
I ran to terminal 3. Security and cops still on my ass but that's the least of my worries. Just as I got to the gate the man began closing off the door.

"STOP! Please man, let me in real quick." I'm sorry sir this plane was already supposed to take off minutes ago."

"Ion give a damn bout none of that, my wife's on that plane and she needs her medication, let me on."
"Okay but you have 1 minute" he opened the door and I bolted through.

"Kay! Where you at mamas" I searched the faces on the plane.

"Kev" she answered softly. From there everything seemed to be in slow motion.  I grabbed her and held onto her so tight. And she did the same instantly breaking out into tears and trying to talk.

"Shhh, I'm here now, I'm here." I said comforting her while holding back my own tears. I I pulled back from the  hug and looked at her, and just embraced her again. I can't believe this moment. She's really in my arms.

"Ma'am, we're ready to take off, either you stay or leave." A flight attendant interrupted.

"Come on, we going back home together" she nodded and walked to her seat and grab her bag and the baby and we walked back to the terminal.

Heyyy, so I finally came to the decision to make a sequel to this book. The next chapter will be the last one here. And at the end of the next chapter will be the new books info. 💕

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