Deep Talks pt.1

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                           Mama Licia POV cont.

"I hit her. I- I- I didn't mean to, it just, Ma I fucked up." Kevin is bawling in my chest.  I reach for the bottle and I walked him into the kitchen.  I'm angry with Kevin, then I'm disappointed at the same time. Looking at him right now in this moment hurts my heart. He looks just like his father, with the drinking, cheating, and hitting.  I give him a glass of water and 2 Tylenol.  He had a few scratches on his face and arm, I'm sure they came from Kierra.

"Ma?" He slurred. Ignoring him I tended to the scratches and placing ointment and a bandaid.

"Ma. Say something pleaseee" He slurred.

"I want you to go Upstairs and take a shower, and put on some fresh clothes."  He looked at me like I spoke in Spanish.

"You heard me now go." He did as I said.

While he was upstairs, I decided to call Kierra, and see what was going on.

"Hey Pumpkin, Talk to me, you know I don't condone none of the shit Kev's done. I wouldn't be surprised if you divorced him."

"Mama, I don't even know what to say or do. I'm hurting so bad right now. He broke our vows. The trick sent me videos and pictures of them, and she has been blowing up my phone saying all kinds of things.  It's too much" .
I hear her sobbing through the phone. My heart hurts for her because, I've been in her position. I've been there multiple times with The boys' father rest his soul.

"Is it bad that I still love him. Is it bad that I want him here right now. I hate him. Is it bad that I want him to hurt as much as I'm hurting right now"

"Of course not. You have every right to feel the way you are feeling. Those raging emotions are deadly. Trust me I know.  Been where you are way too many times. But I promise you it gets better.  What led up to it?"

"It started when I didn't let him hold Zaria, an—" I cut her off.

"Ohhh, how is my grandbaby, I've been praying for her."

"She's doing fine, her fever finally broke. They said that her immune system is weak, so she'll get sick easily. They gave me medication to help boost it."

"Oh Lord. I'm glad she's feeling better. Continue telling me."

"Yeah so I didn't want him to hold her, because he was drunk and high, he wasn't himself.  He went in the room, and then I told him to pack his stuff cause I didn't want him staying here. He kept saying he made a mistake and he's sorry. But I wasn't having it. He wanted sex and was touching me. I pushed him back and he, he" He voice began to crack.

"It's okay, you could stop right there. I'm sorry y'all have to go through this.  I know you love him, and he loves you, but right now you have to focus on you. Get yourself together, for the sake of you and your baby. It get worse before it gets better, but you gotta hang on and fight.  Trust me. And he has to do the same. Don't make it easy for him or he'll walk over you."

"Thank you Ma, ....I have to go, Zaria's awake and it's time to feed her."

"Okay, call me if you need me, and kiss my grandbaby for me. Love you Bye"

"Yes ma'am, love you too bye"-call ended.

"How is she?" I jump as Kevin says coming down the stairs.

"Boy don't scare me like that, what is wrong with you? And you don't need to worry about that. You need to get yourself together, before you even approach her again."

"Ma, I made 1 mistake, I don't get why she doin allat."

I walked to him and slapped him so hard.  "I don't know who you are but you are not my son! I did not raise you like this. I raised you to care, and respect women. You are a spitting image of your father right now.  Everything you've put Kierra through right now, your father did it to me.  Over and over again, arguing and fighting, black eyes and bruises, cheating, I've been through it all Kevin. I know how she feels and it's the worst thing in the world." I didn't realize I was crying until he wiped my tears.

"I didn't want you and Jayce to ever be like him, that's why I emphasized loving others and considering peoples feelings so much. You've lost all her trust, and the fact your being nonchalant about this situation makes me angry. It's not just one mistake, for months she's been telling me about how you never have time for her, and you put  the streets and your businesses before her. I had a conversation with you about this already.  What is going on with you? Where is your head at?"

"Ma the cheating thing was only once. In the 5 years of us together I never cheated Ma. I swear.  And it was Malaysia Ma."

"MALAYSIA! Really Kev." He put his head down in shame
"After everything she put you through."

"I- I think i still love her.  I don't know ma, I love K with everything in me, but deep down Malaysia tugs at my heart. I was scared to lose K, that's why I kept her distant. I wasn't ready to fully open up to her because at times I thought of Lay.  I never wanted to hurt her ma." He began to tear up. I'm glad he's letting this out.

"Then why lead her on. It's still not adding up Son. Get yourself together. Deal with the issue within you. Because it looks to me like you are being selfish. If your not fully committed and in love with her why play with her heart? You need to heal from Malaysia, and I suggest you do it quickly. Because Kierra won't be around forever."

"Okay Ma. I promise imma get it right. If I gotta go to therapy and allat imma get it right. I need my family back. Did she talk about Zaria?"

"Yes, Zaria has a weakened immune system, she'll get sick easily. The fever broke and she's doing fine now."

"She didn't even let me hold her."

"And she had every right to, I wouldn't let anybody hold my child in a condition like that. And  imma say this one time and one time only. The next time I hear you put hands on a woman I will Break your fingers. You have a daughter now, imaging a man putting his hands on Zaria." He inhaled deeply, and clenched his jaw.

"Doesn't feel to good does it. Now you go upstairs and get some rest. You have a long way to recovery and change."

"Goodnight Mama, I love you"

"I love you too." He went upstairs to his room, and I Headed to mine. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

                         Kierra's POV

My parents Cancelled dinner on me. They said they were working and overslept, but I know exactly what they were doing, being grown. I'm also kind of glad they didn't come, especially after that situation, I'm not ready to face anyone right now.
The conversation with Mama licia kind of calmed my nerves, but I'm still hurting. Ive been sitting here sipping this wine. Zaria is asleep and I'm looking back at me and Kevin's photos, wondering where everything went wrong. Then I heard a knock at the door.

"Jayce?" I said as I opened the door.

"Hey Ki, I brought  these things for Zaria, and I've been trying to reach Kevin. What's going on mama?" I didn't answer.  He stepped closer and I let him inside the house. He placed the bags in the kitchen and he seen my glass.

"Ki, your drinking???" He asked and stepped closer to me, he tilted his head trying to get my attention but I was zoned out.

"Talk to me mama, I need to know where your head is. This is not like you."
He grabbed my hand and walked me to the living room and sat us down.  He stared at me waiting for me to respond.

Y'all the next chapter🥵.
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