Fanclub [Alpha Charlotte Katakuri x omega reader] - part 1/2

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Y/n was already serving Big Mom when Keiko, Perospero's omega arrived. Y/n was a beast but using the same method as Keiko everyone thought she was a beta, everyone except Brulee to whom she had told her secret.

Y/n was lucky enough not to get caught in any trades, learning early on to hide her omega characteristics and blend in among the betas, carefully she lived a normal life. Probably part of this was thanks to her tall stature that no one would say belonged to an omega. Being a strong fighter she eventually joined Big Mom's pirates as a supporter of Big Mom's ideal of equality among all.

She heard the name of the upper echelons of the gang several times and the name Katakuri strangely piqued her interest 'A nice name' she thought. It was when she saw him marching towards the Chateau of Whole Cake that she understood. Oh gods, Big Mom's second oldest son, the sweet general and strongest pirate in the gang (right after big mom) was her what?

Y/n thought about that issue for a long time. She knew how Big Mom did things, being Katakuri's mate would not give her any advantage in Younku's eyes. In fact, the fact that she was the mate of the strongest son and was so weak would only serve to irritate the woman. When she thought about it she probably didn't even deserve it.

Coincidentally shortly after finding out that Katakuri was her alpha she was assigned to a mission which caused her to become friends with Brulee and having worked well together it eventually became a frequent thing. Being close to Brulee led her to meet Katakuri and even though she kept her distance making sure he wouldn't remember her existence, she can't help but fall head over heels for the doughnut smelling alpha.

One day while watching Katakuri from afar she is caught by someone 'Katakuri-ni is amazing, isn't she?' 'E-ehh?' Y/n turns around startled and finds a girl only 10years old with petroleum blue hair and brown eyes. Y/n sighs and smiles at the child's enthusiasm, probably one of Big Mom's youngest daughters 'It's really amazing' she laughs, quite happy that Y/n agrees with how spectacular Katakuri was 'My name is Flampe and yours?' 'Y/n' 'Well Y/n, I'm about to form brother Katakuri's fan club and since you like him too you'll join right?' She asks with puppy dog eyes and hands him a flyer. 'Fan club? Y/n isn't sure what came over her at that time, but she eventually accepted Flampe's offer, at least that way she could show her admiration for him and everyone would think she was just a fan.

(Flampe is currently 15 and before the team skip was 13, this happened 3 years before Keiko arrived)


Brulee looks sideways between Y/n and the flyer 'Katakuri-ni fan club?' 'W-well Y-yes' 'Why would you join something like that?' Although she didn't want to admit it was getting hard to keep her secret from Brulee, recently she had started to notice how Y/n would avoid getting close to Katakuri even though she would later catch her looking at him from afar sometimes even with her face slightly flushed. It was becoming obvious to Brulee how her beta friend had a crush on her older brother and Y/n didn't want her to think so. Even if that is what it seemed like, this was not a silly or temporary crush, they were mates. Since Y/n didn't want Brulee to think of her as a silly beta who falls stupidly in love with an untouchable alpha she decided to tell him. To tell her that in fact the untouchable alpha was her mate.

With a defeated sigh Y/n told Brulee everything, how she was a beast and always hid it, how she came to Whole Cake, found out about Katakuri and still as a bonus fell head over heels for the alpha. She explained how she admired him for his exploits, his stoic appearance and dedication to protecting his family and yet she was not fooled by that. He was human, even if he forced a perfect role as an exemplary older brother she was aware that he had imperfections and wished she could discover and love them all. Y/n even told how she suspected he had a sweet, playful side that she longed to see along with what lay beneath the scarf

Brulee listened intently never judging and promised to keep her secret, she understood that Big Mom probably didn't give a damn about mates and that the secret would spare Katakuri from knowing she had the love of her life so close and yet he could never have her.


Over time she also became friends with Flampe and even admitted to the girl that she was in love with Katakuri. Big mistake. Even though Flampe was a sweet and lovely girl at the time, she eventually grew up. She grew up and became a petty and shallow pest, her admiration for Katakuri became an obsession and she started to constantly tease Y/n about how silly and unreal her crush on her brother was. As much as it hurt to hear all those things she knew that Flampe was correct, she would never even come close to him and even if he could he would never look at her.

Brulee was constantly angry with her for staying in the club and letting Flampe treat her like that, but in the end she was always there to comfort the little omega, even if the little omega was a foot taller than her.

When Keiko arrived and became engaged to Perospero Y/n had to almost gag Brulee to keep her from telling anything arguing that she wasn't strong enough, pretty enough, smart enough...and when all that failed the puppy dog eyes were her salvation. Brulee swore to keep her secret.

A vow that cost Brulee a lot to keep when at Perospero and Keiko's wedding after a long speech about loyalty and dedication being important to the family and how omegas demonstrated such traits so well Mama announced that she would begin a search for her children's mates as well as allow those who were strong enough to marry them if they found them. As long as they were beasts of course.

Oh shit, of course Katakuri being the strongest of her children her omega would be a priority and she was right there under his nose. There was no way in the world she would reveal herself. Maybe if Keiko had arrived a few years earlier Y/n would have decided to reveal herself, but now? Her heart was full of years of silent admiration for Katakuri and self-deprecation that with Flampe's hurtful words really took their toll.

Words that she had only heard to begin with because she had decided to join Katakuri's fan club. 

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