"How will they react? Knowing that we're the daughter of Trigon the Terrible. Knowing that we're going to destroy our worlds. What do you think is going to happen? They're just going to give us hugs and kisses and be over with it? It's not going to be that way. We're demons. And this is our prophecy. No matter how much we dislike it."

"We can't just leave them in the oblivion, Raven. When they find out, they'll feel even more betrayal. Thought of that?"

Raven looked away from Raven(2) and burrowed her eyebrows in frustration. "I don't know what to do! I have no idea!"

Raven(2) sat down beside Raven, "We're terrible people, aren't we?"

"We can't blame ourselves. It's our prophecy, the only reason we were born for. We're just pawns in Trigon's game."

"And his spawns."

"Yeah, not that that helps."

"I don't see how Beast Boy loves me. You should know, we're too different and I'm a demon, for Azar's sake."

"Beast Boy has his own 'demon' to deal with. The Beast." Raven reminded her.

"Right. You know, I just realized that Beast Boy and I are very much alike."

"What do you mean?"

"Our demons, our masks, our past life. Both very difficult."

"Our Beast Boy and me have another thing in common that you and he don't."

"What's that?"

"We both had our hearts betrayed by the ones we loved."

"Who?" Raven(2) asked disgusted.

"Mine was Malchior, his was Terra."

"Who's Terra and Malchior?"

"You've never met Terra or read the book about Rorek and Malchior?" Raven asked slightly confused.

"No, not in this dimension. Guess that's a difference. But what did they do."

"Beast Boy fell for Terra the instant he saw her. She was a geomancer. He begged Robin to let her into the Titans. And for a while, we were all content. She was with us for a long time. But that was after she had made a deal with Slade-"

"Don't like her already."

"Of course you don't. Anyway, we didn't know that it was Slade teaching her how to control her power. Until the day she betrayed us completely. We didn't really know what happened, but Beast Boy was distraught. Slade bots were destroying the Tower and Terra and Beast Boy were nowhere to be found. She wanted to save him, but leave the rest of us to get destroyed. Meanwhile, Beast Boy had found out that Terra was Slade's apprentice. And he told her that Slade was right, she didn't have any friends. And then days later, we ran into each other again and she nearly drowned me in mud and she hurt Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and then Robin. The worst part was, that I knew I shouldn't have trusted her. I saw a glimpse of her future and I still decided to trust her. And she betrayed us."

"You didn't feel jealous of her and Beast Boy being close?" She asked uncomfortably.

"No, like I said, Beast Boy and I are only close friends. Never been more."

"Oh, then what's the story with Malchior?"

"I don't really feel like talking about. We should get back. C'mon."


"I said no." Then she teleported out.

"I hate that I can do that!" Raven(2) said annoyed and then teleported back to the Tower. I'll just have to ask the other Beast Boy about Malchior.

"Raven!" Both Beast Boys exclaimed when they saw the two Ravens appear.

"Where'd you go?" Beast Boy(2) asked holding onto the first Raven.

"Wrong one." Raven said as she tried to pry him off.

"Oh, sorry." He let her go and then went to his Raven, "Raven, where'd you go?"

"Sorry, I-I can't talk about it. Raven and I just have some problems to resolve. Please understand." Raven(2) said willing Beast Boy(2) and everyone else to accept it.

"No! You were the crying, friend! And you never cried before! We must now what is happening!" Starfire exclaimed. Tears forming in her own eyes.

Raven(2) glanced at Raven, "What do we do?"

Raven stayed quiet. She didn't move and stayed completely still. Raven(2) crossed over to her, out of Beast Boy's(2) arms. "Raven? Raven? Rachel!" Raven(2) said trying to break Raven out of her trance.

"Rachel? Who's Rachel?" Cyborg(2) asked.

"I am! We are! She's in a trance and she won't break out of it! Rachel, please!" Raven(2) shrieked and then a bright light separated the two and threw them across from each other. Raven hit a wall with many training equipment, including some knives. Raven(2) simply hit the door. She groaned but stood up with Beast Boy's(2) help. The others had ran over frantically to Raven, who had gotten the worst hit.

"Raven? Raven, please." Beast Boy said as he pulled off a weight off her body. She was unconscious and had a few cuts and bruises. But there also was the sight of a single knife protruding her stomach.

"No, no, no! Raven? Raven, please!" He pulled her out of the rumble of training equipment and laid her head on his lap. Blood was starting to get on his hands. Raven's blood.

"No, she can't die. Move, I need to heal her." Raven(2) commanded. Everyone moved except Beast Boy. He kept Raven's head on his lap as Raven(2) breathed in and then winced as if it hurt her to pull the knife out of Raven. Then she instantly hovered her hand over Raven's wound and a blue light emitted from them. Her eyebrows were scrunched together in concentration. "Come on. Come on, Raven..."

Then she stopped.

"What? Is she going to be okay?" Beast Boy asked.

"I can't heal her..."

"Why not?"

"Her powers are blocking mine out. She has to heal herself. But she's incapacitated right now. I-I fear she won't live..." Raven(2) whispered.

"W-What? No, there has to be something you can do. You're Raven! Just like her! You always know what to do!" Beast Boy shouted.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't get onto her like that!" Beast Boy(2) scowled.

"You would do the same if that was our Raven and if it was your Raven who wasn't able to be healed!"

"Beast Boy, calm down." Robin said.

"Yeah, Raven's strong. She'll pull out and get into that healing trance like last time Adonis tried something with her." Cyborg confirmed.

"But what if she doesn't? What if this is how she ends?" Beast Boy laid his head on Raven's and cried silently.

"Please, wake up." Starfire whispered, looking at Raven's body.

Our Doubles (Teen Titans)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant