Breaking up & making out

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You were walking into the restaurant, sad but not shocked to see that your table was empty. It was supposed to be a dinner date, of the sort, more like an anniversary. You had been together with Taylor for five whole years, today. But she wasn't there.

You got a text message and you read it and let out a sigh, "Sorry, babe, I'm gonna be late, but I promise I'll be there soon," she apologized.

You knew what soon meant. It wasn't soon at all, she wasn't around the corner, or even on her way. She was in the studio.

This hurt too much. Her job was her main priority, and you understood that. Hell, you even respected it. But you were tired of staying up late waiting for her to come home just to wake up in an empty bed in the morning.

A waitress walked over to you, so you decided to order your food, even though Taylor wasn't there, but you weren't going to waste any time waiting for someone who wouldn't show up before it was too late.

To be quite honest you found it embarrassing, sitting there all by yourself. You ate dinner all alone, your eyes darting between all the couples smiling and laughing at the tables surrounding you.

They looked happy, and truthfully, you were jealous.

When you were finished, and had paid for your meal, your eyes landed on the tall blonde woman that you called your own. She had just walked through the doors and was on her way over to where you were seated. She sat down opposite of you.

"Have you eaten?" she asked, while taking ahold of your hand that was resting on the table.

"Yes," you said and withdrew your hand and got up from your seat. You walked away from her, both hurt and devastated. She was two hours late. You had contemplated buying dessert while you were waiting for her but chose not to, because that would be a sad sight.

She quickly stood up and followed you, grabbed your hand and spun you around in the middle of the restaurant.

"Darling don't walk away from me... we can still find something to do! It's New York, we can do whatever we want!" she said trying to lighten the mood.

You were furious, and she noticed it the moment you didn't want to hold her hand.

It didn't matter how hot-tempered, miserable, and heartbroken you were, you didn't have it in you to destroy her reputation.

So, you gritted your teeth and embraced her.

"You know how much the tabloids would love to see me act like a mad woman, imagine if I started yelling at you right here, in public might I remind you, so they can change the narrative, and say that I found out you were having affairs with every other woman you've so much as looked at these last few months... I could ruin you, and still I chose not to," you whispered in her ear, taking her off guard, then she held around you tighter.

"Let go... I'm going home," you said just loud enough for her to hear.

You walked out of the restaurant and ran to the nearest cab, and she ran after you just fast enough to open the door and get in. You didn't speak to her, or even look at her for that matter.

She sat there beside you, fidgeting, and you knew she wanted to say something. But you kept ignoring her presence. This was certainly the time, but not the place to start an argument.

You looked out the window as rain droplets hit the glass. As the hopeless romantic that you were, you thought of kissing her on the sidewalk while the rain poured down on you, but you quickly shoved that thought away.

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