Getting married

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Warnings: Infidelity.

You were currently watching movies at 4:00 a.m and got frightened when your phone started to ring out of nowhere, having forgotten to put it on silent. Looking at your phone you saw it was Hailee. It was unlike her to be up at this time of night, so it really must have been important. So, you did what anyone would do in this situation, you answered the phone.


"Oh, thank God, I'm panicking! I told him yes!" Hailee rambled into the phone, voice quavering.

"Hold on, what are you even talking about? It's the middle of the night, what are you doing up so late-"

"I had to call you... He asked me to marry him!"

"You're getting married?!" you asked, not believing that you heard her right, that your ears were deceiving you.

"Yes... and since you're my best friend, I wanted to ask you to be my Maid of Honor!"

You were silent. All that could be heard was the movie you had been watching, it was still on in the background. "Hello, you there?" she asked, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Your heart was currently breaking into a million different pieces.

"This was unexpected..." you softly spoke, trying to keep your voice from breaking too.

"I know! He just got down on one knee in the restaurant, I kind of felt obligated to say yes, just think of how embarrassed he would be if I said no in front of all those people!" she joked, and you could hear her smiling through the phone.

"I can be your Maid of Honor..." you said with tears brimming at your eyes, threatening to escape. The only thing you could be happy about was that she wasn't here to see you fall apart.

"The wedding is going to be a day in august, we haven't really set an exact date yet. But I know that I want it to be private, away from the public eye, and small and intimate, with family and friends," she said, rambling away, which only made you start to silently sob.

"I'm going back home this weekend, so we can meet up, but now I have to go..."

"Goodnight Hailee..." you managed to whisper, just loud enough for her to hear.

"Goodnight, sleep well," she said back and hung up shortly after.

You couldn't process it, your best friend, who you had been in love with forever was getting married. It wasn't her fault that you had never told her how you felt, but now you regretted keeping your mouth shut. You had been so scared it would ruin your friendship, but now it didn't even matter.

"Fuck," you muttered out, throwing your phone at the wall.

The days went by, but you never left your bed. You were crestfallen. Never in your life had you felt so exhausted and disappointed. So mad at yourself for being a foolish coward.

Then you heard the door open. "Hello... Anyone home?" A voice spoke out in the living room. You could recognize that voice anywhere. Hailee was back in town, and currently standing in your apartment.

You walked out of your bedroom, looking like absolute shit.

"What happened in here?"

She looked around the room. "There are beer bottles, and unwashed dishes all over the place," she mumbled, as she started cleaning everything up. "You don't have to-" you tried to speak, but she cut you off.

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