What Happened Between Amber And Julia?

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"Well when we were walking to the courtyard." I started
"Yeah?" Jade asked
"I got pulled by a hand behind me" I continued
"Why didn't you tell me?" Jade asked
"I was trying to but they covered my mouth" I continued
"Those little" Jade was about to finish but Beck stopped her
"Not in front of Amber" He said
"Ugh fine" Jade replied
"What happened next?" Cat asked
"Well they took me to the janitors closet and locked the door." I said
"What happened next sweetheart?" Jade asked
"I noticed who it was, it was my fake friend Julia" I angrily stated
"She was pretending to be my friend to get more famous and when I figured that out I exposed her and she lost all her fans" I continued
"She wanted revenge" Jade stated
"What did they do to you honey?" Beck asked
"They just kept bullying me." I said starting to tear up
"Shhh, shhh" "it's ok." Jade softly said
"Did they do anything else to you?" Jade asked
"N-no" I said lying
"Ok, well it's getting pretty late and we all had a long day so we should probably get to bed" Beck stated
Everyone left and Jade tried to carry me but I refused to be carried so I walked to my room.
It was the next morning and I could tell that Amber was acting pretty strange, she didn't want anyone touching her, she even got scared when I tried to hug her.
I got dressed and went to check on Amber
"Hey sweetheart, need any help getting dressed?" I asked softly
"N-no" she said stuttering
I went back downstairs and made Amber her lunch and we all got into the car.
I was going to pick her up and put her in her car seat but she quickly got in by herself
"What did that girl do to my innocent bean?" I asked myself
We finally got to school.
I made sure to always keep an eye on Amber to make sure she never runs into that girl ever again.
During lunch I was talking to Beck when suddenly "Ow!" Someone said.
I turned around to see a girl standing next to Amber
"What happened?" I ask
"She wa" Amber was trying to say but I didn't hear her
"She just bit me" the girl said pointing towards Amber
The girl walked away
"Amber!" I called to her
"You do not bite someone" Beck said
Amber was starting to talk but we weren't listening
"When we get home you are getting your punishment" Beck says
Amber starts to cry
Cat notices what's going on and comes over to cheer Amber up
After school Amber gets in her car seat
"Get to your room, I'll be up to give you your punishment in a minute" I say when we get home
Amber heads up to her room
"Why would she bite someone?" Beck asks
"I don't know, ever since what happened with the girl Julia she changed" I replied
"I'm gonna talk to Tori, she might be able to help" I said
"You? Talk to Tori?" Beck replied confused
"Yeah?" I said rolling my eyes
I walked to Tori's house which isn't that far away
Tori opens the door
"Jade?" She asks confused
"Surprised to see me?" I joke
"I need your help" I said
"With?" She asks
"It's about Amber" I reply
"What's wrong?" She questions
"She's been acting differently" I said
"What do you mean by differently?" She asked
I told her about how Amber never lets anyone touch her anymore since the incident and how she bit someone
"What happens if someone does touch her?" Tori asked
"She just looks uncomfortable" I said
"I think I might know what's wrong" Tori said
She told me what she thinks and I left

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