Is Amber Lost?

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I met up with everyone at our lunch table and told them about how she went missing.
"JADE!" Yelled Beck "I told you to keep an eye on her!" he sounded furious
We all split up and started looking everywhere for her. About 30 mins passed and all of us were missing second period.
We all met back up
"Any luck?" I asked
"Nope" they all said
"What rooms have not been checked yet?" I asked
"Well I don't think any of us have checked the bathrooms" Cat said
"We also didn't check the classrooms because class is going on" Tori continued
"And none of us checked the janitors closet" Beck said
"Ok, Tori and Cat you go check the girls bathroom, Robbie and Andre, you check the boys bathroom, me and Beck will look in the janitors closet" I said
I looked in the janitors closet and heard crying
I looked behind boxes and found Amber crying
"AMBER!?" Beck yelled
"What happened?" I asked in a calm quiet voice
I noticed that she was crying so much that she could barely breathe
I pulled out my phone and messaged the group chat
"Guys, come to the janitors closet, we found her" I messaged them
"And Cat" I started to message
"Yeah?" She asked
"Do you remember my locker combination?" I asked
"Yeah, why?" She questioned
"Because I need you to go into my locker and grab the black bag and bring it to the janitors closet." I replied
"Okay." She said
Everyone besides Cat came to the janitors closet and looked really worried.
Cat came in the closet with my black bag
She handed me the bag and I pulled out a pacifier and a stuffed animal
Everyone besides Beck looked at me because they didn't know anything about age regression.
I handed Amber the pacifier and stuffed animals.
She started sucking on the pacifier and hugging the stuffed animals.
I picked her up and put her in my lap
About 5 minutes later she fell asleep
Everyone went to Becks car and I put her in her car seat.
Once we got home I took Amber to her room and put her in bed
I met the others downstairs and sat on the couch with them.
We all started talking about what could've happened to her
Cat was really worried about Amber
About 10 minutes later Amber woke up and met us all downstairs
"What happened princess?" I asked in a calming voice

New Student? (AGE REGRESSION) (BADE) (BECK+JADE) NOT CONTINUEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant