The Broken Vase

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I heard a loud sound and jumped up
I looked around worried and made sure everyone was safe.
"Andre's here, Tori's here, Jade's here, Robbie's here, Rex's here"
I noticed that Amber was gone
I looked around the room for Amber
Jade then woke up
"Babe?" She asked rubbing her eyes
"Yeah honey?" I reply
"What's going on?" She asked after rubbing her eyes
"Well, I heard a loud noise and woke up." I started to say
"Okay?" She questioned
"I checked to make sure everyone was safe." I continue
"Alright" she replied
"I noticed that Amber wasn't there and I looked around the room for her" I finished
"WHAT!?" Jade asked worried
"You can't find Amber?" She yells at me
"No" i replied
"EVERYONE WAKE UP!" Jade screams at everyone
Everyone wakes up
"What's going on?" Tori asked
"We have a missing child to find" Jade states
"What!?" Cat yells
"We can't find Amber" I said
Everyone looks worried
"Everyone split up!" Jade states
Everyone splits up looking everywhere
About 5 minutes passed and we all met back at the couch
"Any luck?" I ask
"Nope" everyone replied
I could feel my eyes start to water when...
"Did anyone check the pantry?" I asked
"No" everyone replied
I quickly run towards the pantry and open the door
I see shattered glass on the floor and Amber sitting next to it
"AMBER!" I yell relieved
Everyone runs towards the pantry
I carefully walk in and pick up Amber
I take her over to the couch and set her down
"Can you tell us what happened sweetie?" I asked her in a quiet and calming voice
I didn't want to tell them how I broke something but I also didn't want to lie and get into even more trouble.
"Me was sleeping, I hear noise, I go see what noise was, me walk in pantry, me was about to leave when glass fell and broke" I lied
"Well I'm happy your safe" Beck said
"Me too" Jade replies hugging me

New Student? (AGE REGRESSION) (BADE) (BECK+JADE) NOT CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now