"Chris, you work in a welding factory is there nobody that can help you there?" This is not how I wanted to kick off the night. "I can fix it myself, to be honest with you but I just have no money for the parts. I mean yeah my family run the place but they want me to pay for any materials I use outside the factory". Oh please say that doesn't sound suspicious it's just the way my family is.

"Chris I'd say family is supposed to help each other no matter what especially when money is a problem but I've learnt the hard way with my own family that it's not usually the case. I want to help you with your plumbing and I won't accept no as an answer. I don't care what you say about handouts this isn't a handout think of it as a payment for your awesome portrait of me. My precious certainly won't be bathing in cold water anymore".

This man can't be for real? I do want a warm bath but I can't I really don't want to accept his money. "Sabastian I-". He interrupted me... "I said my little precious I won't accept no for an answer". I've lost this battle. I do resent this idea but I do have one idea to make him freeze on that stool and that's with only one response... "Yes, My King". What better time to use that nickname of his than now? The man froze with a smile on his face.

"I'll be your king if you'll be my precious warrior?"

Now that's what precious is short for. "I'm at your service your highness". We both smiled and I slightly blushed. Sabastian stabilised his position on the stool and we were now ready to begin the portrait.

Sabastian's POV
That was worth it. I'll sacrifice all my money to hear him call me that again. I really do want to get off this stool and jump on his bed... Although gazing at Chris his expression has altered into a serious one. I guess that he's concentrating. I can't say I'm doing the same... Unless concentrating on his face counts?

"Sabastian, please can you look up in the direction of your sword and smile". I had to giggle on this part "Which sword?" Chris grinned blushing shaking his head as if he was disappointed. It's honestly his own fault for wearing that apron. The smiling wasn't the hard part. I took a deep breath and looked up to the ceiling well my arm and smiled.

Then I started to frigging wobble. I bet my arse looked like it was dancing in a hula show. This stool... "I'm sorry Chris I have to step down a minute". Chris was enjoying every bit of this giggling to himself while sketching. I took a breather and stepped back up. "Chris if you draw me dancing with a sword falling off a dragon I swear down you will feel the wrath of my sword". That's when Chris lost it and needed a break as well with laughter.

"How's the art piece coming along?" Chris smiled and said, "It's been less than 5 minutes all I have is the structure of your body". That was 5 minutes? It felt like it's been forever I mean I thought I broke a record with one leg on a stool. I must have a bad balance then... "Well Sabastian ready to carry on?" Chris smirked at me "Yes, no king gives up standing on his dragon that quick". Chris giggled and carried on drawing.

Time went by and I was proud to say I've managed to maintain my balance. Chris was grinning and sketching as he was laying in bed. I'd do anything to trade places with him. If only I could draw.

More time went by which felt like a couple of hours... My legs are in pain and my arms aching but I'm still thinking it's going to be worth it.

Chris then got up and headed towards me... He looked like he was trying to get more details from me. I tried to remain as still as possible. Then I started feeling anxious... Chris was looking at me and the pressure was on trying not to fall off this forsaken stool. Oh gosh, my head is sweating and I'm sure my mind has gone into repetitive mode..."Don't move, don't fall, don't move, don't fall..."

Chris's POV
Sabastian does look good on this stool. I have no idea how he's keeping balanced... I mean he doesn't even look uncomfortable. Although I do feel horrible for keeping him up here for so long. I have the outlines of the dragon and him done all I need is the shading and some details. I suppose now is the time to ask him to come down I can finish this now without a reference...

I turned to place my book on the bed and out of my hands... Then before I could tell Sabastian to come down I heard some shaking on the stool.

"SABASTIAN!" Before I could think twice I dived for him! I managed to catch him but we were both on the floor. Sabastian's leg gave in on the stool. "Are you okay?" I went too far I should have asked him to come down earlier.

"Ye- yeah I'm good. Just a bit of pain I'll be alright. I don't think I'll be taking up modelling as a career though". He smiled and I laughed "You'd make a great model but I prefer my storyteller". He smiled. I helped him up onto the bed he laid straight down. "I'll get you a damp towel for your leg. I'm sorry I don't have any ice at the moment". He tapped me and said, "I don't want ice... I want you..."

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