RA 9 - Gaze

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Luo Hai didn't agree to Zheng Mingyi's request, taking him to the opposite infirmary.

In the end, less than ten minutes later, Luo Hai brought Zheng Mingyi back, nursing a headache as he told Jiang Chijing, "I can't get through to him. You do it."

A question mark floated above Jiang Chijing's head.

"I asked him whether he tended to be punctual or late when going out with someone, and he said he doesn't go out with anyone. I asked him if he believes in intuition or experience, and he said he believes in data."

Jiang Chijing had a general idea of why Luo Hai would be having a headache. It was practically the same as the way he was just now. The only difference was that after a few questions, Zheng Mingyi started to cooperate with his tempo, but from the looks of it, Zheng Mingyi had no intention of cooperating with Luo Hai.

"You do it," Luo Hai put the tablet on Jiang Chijing's office desk, sharply turning on his heels to leave. "Hurry up and finish it then send him back to the confinement cell."

The prison guard who had escorted Zheng Mingyi over had been guarding the hallway for a good chunk of the day. Jiang Chijing inclined his head just in time to see that man looking at his watch, obviously growing impatient in the wait.

He sighed helplessly, lifting his chin at Zheng Mingyi. "Go sit over there."

Zheng Mingyi walked over and sat in the same seat from earlier, quietly waiting for Jiang Chijing to ask him questions, not appearing in the slightest like an inmate who wasn't cooperating with the guards.

It was exactly this sort who was the hardest to work with because it was impossible to tell whether their lack of cooperation was deliberate or not.

"If you find that someone has a problem, would you (A) point it out politely, (B) point it out bluntly?" Afraid that Zheng Mingyi would jerk him back and forth again, Jiang Chijing swiftly added, "Don't tell me that you're too lazy to care about other people's problems."

Actually, Zheng Mingyi had already opened his mouth to answer at the same moment that Jiang Chijing added the latter sentence, but Jiang Chijing's elaboration had interrupted the words that were on the tip of his tongue.

He paused and, instead of answering, asked back, "How do you know that I'm too lazy to care about other people's problems?"

Jiang Chijing said in his head, You are too lazy to even open the door for the community workers, how much can you care about other people?

But, of course, he still pressed without a flicker in his expression. "A or B."

"B," replied Zheng Mingyi.

Over the next few minutes, Jiang Chijing finished asking all of the basic personality test questions. He found that Zheng Mingyi's personality wasn't as unpredictable as he had imagined, but unquestionably calm, rational, perceptive, and then with just that little bit of a leap.

However, following this, the style of the questions gradually became strange.

"Normally, how..." Coming to this point, Jiang Chijing couldn't help but frown, squinting his eyes and moving closer to the screen, at first thinking that he had read it wrongly. "...frequently do you masturbate?"

Even Jiang Chijing felt particularly awkward asking such a question.

It would have been fine if it was any other inmate, but the one sitting in front of him was once the object of his voyeurism. For him to ask this question made it seem like he was openly prying into someone else's privacy.

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