A note to my readers

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Hiii everyone! If you're reading this, thank you for reading my fanfic! I can't believe it's at 77+k views ! if only i had motivation to had continued on the fic.

This is the first fanfic i'm going to be reacting to! i'll also reveal what was going on through my head when i was writing this. And I will start with this note!

Please do note that i have given up on the english language so things won't be in full sentences and will be phrased weirdly :)

Alright so why did I decide to write this? because i was high on fanfics that kpop idol adopt kids. yes that's why. but i didn't like them because of how they just randomly pop up at the orphanage and be like "we wanna adopt a kid"

i was highly inspired by one fanfic "Dad.... I'm Hungry" by LinglingisYutabiased (i think that's the username?) but yeah i decided to have a go at it :)

If i remember correctly this was written during 2020? around there i think. and it's my most popular book and i think all you readers for it (for some reason this sounds like a speech someone gives when receiving an award)

You don't need to reread the fic as i'm going to copy and paste all the chapters and add notes below the paragraph when reacting to it

Thank you once again for reading this fanfic

Signing off,

ps : i'll be adding the letter R in front of the chapter, it stands for reaction

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